World business council for sustainable development. KA CHING KA CHING 💰💵💵
This looks like the next scare story folks. I do not believe in climate change!
Now remember the control the food and control the people game from the early 1970’s? Henry Kissinger came up with that one, it’s all long term plans. This planet will not run out of water, that is impossible. Running out of food that is man made deliberately. Like killing off live stock to create food loss. Remember they have already told us to expect this. Did you know how very few farmers survive without being part of a controlled group?
Trade as we know it is being radically changed and not for our benefit. Humanity is but a blip in the universe when it comes down to it. Scientific data will show this to be the case and not the BS that the media and those with an interest in enslaving humanity are trying to convince us with. Why the cover ups and gagging? Agenda, of course!
But you get the world that you deserve when you allow yourself to be indoctrinated. I prefer truth thanks, and will not be intimidated. It just goes to show though how many are involved in this when the media are on board with the lies and deception, it is what they do best after all.
1% of farms operate 70% of world's farmland
UPDATE: Google how much land Bill Gates now owns in the US