Sunday 24 July 2011

Can Cold Water Clean Dishes?

Can Cold Water Clean  Dishes?

This is for all the germ conscious  folks that  worry about using cold water to  clean.
John went  to visit his 90 year old grandfather in a  very secluded, rural area of                     Saskatchewan.                                 .
After  spending a great evening chatting the night  away, the  next morning John's grandfather              prepared breakfast  of bacon, eggs and toast.                                  

However,   John noticed a film like substance on his plate, and  questioned his grandfather          asking,
'Are  these plates clean?'
His  grandfather replied,
'They're  as clean as cold water can get  'em.
Just  you go ahead and finish your meal,  Sonny!'

For  lunch the old man made hamburgers.
Again, John was concerned about the  plates,
as his appeared to have tiny specks around the  edge that looked like dried egg and                                 asked, 'Are  you sure these plates are clean?'
Without looking up the old man said,
'I told you before, Sonny, those dishes are as clean  as cold water can get them. Now don't               you fret, I don't want to hear another word about  it!'
Later that afternoon, John was on his way to a nearby town and as he was leaving, his grandfather's     dog started  to growl, and wouldn't let him pass.
John  yelled and said, 'Grandfather, your dog won't let me get to my car'.

Without diverting his attention from the football game he was watching on TV, the old man                 shouted! 'Coldwater, go lay down now, yah hear  me!'

Wednesday 20 July 2011

A Bity Shady : Parasols

I found this wonderful web site last night. Ladies you will love it. The most beautiful parasols, ever.
I just purchased the Empress parasol in Floss (Pink) for summer, as it is so hot in Australia.
This company is a small Australian based company, they have been around for a few years.
They hopefully will be around for many more. They are popular with Wedding Parasols.

Many styles and colours to choose from, plenty for Goth girls too. You won't be disapointed.

Mobicosa: Arthritis Treatment, Follow Up

Well I have been seeing some results from these tablets already. It is not a dramatic change, but there is definitely a positive change taking place. The pain has eased around my neck, base of my skull and elbows. My fingers are still aching, but not as bad. I can get a decent sleep at night now. On a scale of one to ten, I would rate the pain as a five or maybe a four.

The first 10 days of taking this stuff is to put a dose into your body to kick start the treatment. After that, the idea is to reduce it to a comfortable dose. I do notice the pain returning as the night time dose is due.
Especially after doing anything strenuous. I am happy with the results and shall keep going with the smelly little tablets. Lol, Boy do they stink.  The smell when I open the bottle is disgusting ( very appealing to cats I must add). I try not to dry heave as I take the tablets, I then swallow some tea to mask the taste. I must admit it is a small price to pay for pain relief. 

I shall give an other progress report in about a week or so. Sitting at the key board is not a good thing to do for a long period of time. It does aggravate the condition. So If you are like me, small doses at the Computer. Yes, I know it is hard as we all love to play with our PC's. We just need to take it  a bit at a time. For me Computer/PC withdrawal is tough going. Little miss have- a-chat.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Optimize your sun exposure without sunscreen

It's a no brainer really, just like the cosmetics and beauty industry telling women to buy their
products. Would you put this stuff on your skin if they said, "Hey, Petro-chemicals are just great for your body and your health".

Corporations don't want you to think for yourself. What about all the testing on animals too. They don't need to do that anymore either, but hey they get off on this kind of evil. There are natural alternatives to the chemical products. People with sensitive skin are turning to the natural products in droves. However do watch out for products containing Parabens and Sulphates are they do upset sensitive skin.

Women that are worried about their skin can do a few things to avoid the sun drying out their skin. Wear a wide brimmed hat, one that is trendy and not frumpy looking, or even use a parasol/umbrella.
There are fancy little parasoles on E-Bay these days, so a lady can avoid flat hair, from wearing a sun hat. Wear sun-glasses that don't block the UVA and UVB rays. Also choose what time you go out in the sun.

No body wants to look like a dried up prune at 35 or 40. Learn to be sun smart and beauty smart. It isn't cool to lie in the sun for hours to see how dark you can get. I know girls that I went to school with in the 1970's and worked with in the 1980's that look a lot older than me now. They wouldn't stay out of the sun. They also used baby oil to help fry their skin. Young women just aren't getting the message. I feel that the media have to shoulder some of the blame for the way they shamelessly promote their products with golden tanned women.

At least we can still enjoy the sun and stay healthy and safe. People have worked and lived out doors for thousands of years. It is only in the past 30 years that all this has become a drama. Moderation is the key word to everything that we do in life.

Clear acne with green smoothies

Eewww!, Just don't put Brussel Sprouts in.

Thursday 14 July 2011

The Top 5 Foods For Beating Depression

This website is a wonderful source of knowledge. I use this one quite a lot. I recommend it to all my clients.
You can subscribe to it for newsletters too and join them on facebook.

Cast your mind back prior to the 1980's, Do you know anyone that was suffering from this disorder back then? I don't, I seems like a bolt out of the blue. Suddenly everyone has it. I wonder why this is. Poor nutrition sure does cause depression, any doctor or nutritionist can tell you that. So the next thing to look at is our food habits. Then the quality of the crops that we grow, which are sprayed with chemicals.In some countries, the soil is also depleted of nutrition, in which the crops need to grow. Well all this and junk food all adds up to the health that we all have now. The Agricultural industry chiefs are out to make a huge profit at the expense of our health and come out with all these chemicals to spray our food supply. Then we wonder why we are all sick, and why our children are suffering from horrible illnesses. This is all preventable.    

Wednesday 13 July 2011

MOBICOSA for Arthritis Treatment

Hi readers,

Just letting you know that my Mobicosa tablets from Natural Mobility arrived this morning.I have just started the treatment, I shall give you an update on how I am going as soon as I feel any changes. Please remember it is NOT a complete cure. I honestly don't know if there is a complete cure for this condition. We just have to use what we can afford to buy and try to live as comfortable as possible.

The manufacturers of this Mobicosa state that their product is the strongest on the market of all the green lipped mussel therapies. So wish me luck and I shall definitely keep you all advised on my progress.

Fluoride consumption leads to brain damage, says study

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Native Wisdom Dedicated to All Native American People

Very sad stuff. This is what Christianity via the Vatican has done to good and innocent people. One day this great wrong will be put right.

Monday 11 July 2011


Google, sterilization of South American Women.

Who is Baphomet?

Please keep an open mind when reading this stuff. Spiritual people included.Let me also go even deeper and say Baphomet is no other than the character Lucifer. If you are reading the Wes Penre literature then you will see that Lucifer is non other than En-Ki. You may read many articles over the years, regarding this subject, some of it is mythology, however as we know mythology has truthful facts  

time no longer

Sunday 10 July 2011

Rhesus Negative

Please read this as well as the post that I have just wrote.

What confuses me is I fit the profile, lol But I am A+. WTF? My father is O rh neg- !

I am sensitive to sun light, heat, psychic abilities, I have very cool skin. What they say about eye colour is not correct. According to iridologists, there are only two eye colours Blue and Brown, anything else indicates a health problem/issue. I don't know if I have the extra vertebra, there should be 33 of them. I have a very crooked spine from birth as do my kids.
 I have posted about my dreams with UFO's and other stuff. I do not post everything as I keep some things private. I have all 7 clairs, most psychics have 2 or 3, even in my family.

 Extra vertebra.
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

There is more to this stuff than they know. Nuff said LMAO. May be I am  just a circus freak  LOL.

Left handedness

How many readers of this blog are left handed, ambidextrous or corrected from using your left hand as a child? Are you ready for some more interesting facts?

Firstly the left hand side of your body is quite important from a spiritual perspective. The truth is, the left hand works like an antenna to receive energy from spirit. The corresponding parts of the brain also function in this way including the all important pineal gland. The left hand side of the body is female energy and the right hand side is male energy, kind of like Ying and Yang. When doing healing, we receive the energy in to our bodies via the left hand and give it out through the right hand. The religious establishment knows this fact, they do not want you to know it. They want to cut you off from Spirit, so that they can control Humanity.

Just the other day there I started to think about some cultures in the world where they must eat with the right hand, and the left hand is used for the toilet. The penny dropped so to speak, about that concept and how offensive and dark it is for a Human being being told to use that left hand in such a manner. That just seemed to me to be another way for the dark forces to have a shot at humanity and our true spiritual nature. Teaching them via controlled,  man made religions to do this. It struck me as an abomination and insult to good loving people. Why was it done and by whom?   Well we know why, now don't we. But who started this off I wonder?

I know that many of my relatives are left handed. I, like my father's father am left handed, and was "corrected" as a child. Except for tasks that I automatically do with my left hand such as using the mouse on the computer, I write right handed. Most of the time my brain works left hand dominant.  One of my children is left handed, and my husband is left handed and of Celtic background too. I come from a family with psychic abilities on both sides

Do ya think that there might just be a link with that....hell yes.

It does my head in to try and do some tasks right handed. The computer is the main thing that I just can't get my head around using my right hand. Grrr! Folding sheets with my mum used to drive her nuts, as I would be going the opposite way to her. Ha ha, boy I would get the sheets tangled up.

But getting back to the left hand issue. If you notice now with the texting that is going on and console games we need to use both hands in tandem. Must bother the Religious fanatics. Having said that Ned Flanders, the God botherer on the Simpson's is left handed. Why did they make his character left handed to be at odds with his OTT belief system?

The Human body is an amazing piece of technology, and it is capable of many things that the average person is not aware of. Starting with our psychic abilities, our so called experts don't have a clue what half of our brain is used for let alone understand our gifts. To start with I have 7 psychic senses, they are  the similar to the usual physical  senses, except there are more psychic senses and they are used to pick up information from spirit beings. Not all psychics have all  Clairs. Some of us are able to " remote view"also called extra neuro sensing, (which is not 100% accurate for various reasons). Some people like me can see and communicate with beings in the non physical world.

The Leaders of our world have tried for centuries to stop this, but are unable to. They tell us that to be left handed is the work of the devil, a creation that these individuals created in the first place to control the masses.  Like everything that they tell us, the opposite is true. There is also the rhesus factor in our blood that is of great significance. My father has the O negative Rhesus blood. I am A + , but with some of the O neg traits.  My Celtic background goes back for hundreds of years too.

O rh negative (the universal doner) is also called the royal blood. It is made famous due to the British royal family, however, this blood line is millions of years old. The royal family are merely just like the rest of the population that have this blood type; human hybrids.

This blood factor is not normal per say. It also has a link with psychic people of the world and our "true" origins. Do you ever wonder why we can't find the missing link. Scientists are NOT telling us the truth. How many of us could handle the truth if they were to tell you tomorrow?

The way the Human race has been kept in its infantile state, makes it hard for the masses to accept the truth. It isn't any quantum leap to come to the realisation that we do not come from this planet originally, or at least in the (Hybrid) way that we are now.  Think test tube babies in the 1970's.
It ain't rocket science to come up with this theory folks. Thousands of us already believe something along these lines anyway. So be open minded and have a look at the following links that I have included here. There are many like them all over the net.

Interesting huh! Also since this article was written I have become  aware of the Annunaki and how they directly hijacked humanity and added their DNA to ours. The rh negative blood group is Annunaki/Sirian blood.  Many people are now aware of this. Thus the missing link is no longer missing.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Arthritis medication Mobicosa (greenlipped mussle)

A Few days ago my father told me about this Arthritis natural therapy treatment that he is using. He said it has improved his pain dramatically. I have only just this week been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my neck, spine and major joints in my body at the age of 47.   My father and I were in a serious car accident back in 1984. that left us with long term injury. This injury was what triggered both our Osteoarthritis many years later.

On the sunny side though, is this greenlipped mussel, sold under the name of Mobicosa.Available at the website above. There are many brands on the market, from what my father tells me this is the "Rolls Royce" of them all. I just placed my order today and it shall be on my doorstep in a couple of days. I shall keep you posted on how it works for me. Remember that with any medications, they affect different people in different ways. 

It may be beneficial to some of you reading this blog. So I wish you all the best should you decide to give it a try. By the way did you know that natural medicines from a health food store are not as powerful as the medications given to you by a Naturopath/Natural Therapist? It is important to know that, prior to buying these products. Natural therapists are highly trained and that is why they have a licence to sell the stronger more potent medications rather than the over the counter treatments. You need to weigh up the cost both financially and on a health level before parting with your hard earned money.

Like the old saying you get out of life what you put in to it. You can not neglect your health and well being especially in today's financially difficult times. Less junk food and more healthy meat and veg, grains, nuts and  fruit. Tinned food is not as good as the fresh stuff either, due to the chemicals and preservatives.

Update: August 2023, I had to discontinue use due to bloating and other side effects. Peppermint tea can help with wind when taking this however it doesn’t work for me. I have also tried glucosamine which had no effect on me and also turmeric which I can’t tolerate unfortunately. Turmeric can cause vomiting if you have an intolerance to it. But don’t be discouraged something will be the right thing for you. Even if it’s arthritis creams. 

Time to say goodbye - Andrea Bocelli & Sara Brightman

What a great song and what a great duo.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Perform This Way - Weird Al Yankovic

Sorry but Weird Al hasn't got a video of this yet. Just keep an eye out on youtube.