Wednesday 11 February 2015

PayPal is now in use for readings

OK Call me too late for breakfast, call me a taxi, but don't call me a dinosaur.  I finally got PayPal  up
I have been trying to get this done for a few years. Now It is here. I have been hassling my husband to help me with this, as I don't know how to do this stuff. Yeh, yeh, alright I admit it I am a dinosaur!
So long story short after Radio station A1R in the US inviting me to do a show for them, hubby had to bite the bullet and set this up for me. It was not as easy as we thought either.

What a right pain in the butt it was, I am just so over modern technology.  Next step must be done quick too, linking my account to it, grrr. Everything is so technical, and when you are older this stuff is confusing. I will be so glad when it is all functioning. I just have zero tolerance for machines and technology. But I need to have it otherwise things just can't happen. Imagine being without  a washing machine or a fridge for a day. That would be very difficult for me.

PLEASE NOTE: When paying with PayPal you must put your name on the payment details so that I can trace the money to whom ever wants a reading. I will have many payments to sort through and my poor dinosaur brain is bad enough LOL.