Saturday, 29 September 2018

Video 74: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Interpreted Part 2

As I started watching this video I have been taking notes stopping now and then to write my self note to add to this blog post. The first thing that I noticed was the mentioning of Archons, living but not living (AI?)  Nostradamus mentioned something existing without any senses and it dying.  That is what came to mind as I read the fist part of this video.

This was at 1.44 on the video. The 7 Lords of Light.

An awakened soul knows intuitively the right path and nothing will stop that. Yes, the path is hard and often times very lonely, so be it. Keep the heart and soul pure and clean.
This means do not fall for Cosmic Law BS. I used to up until very recently. I did not like it and thought it unfair . To me it was like legalese. One would have to be a bloody maverick Lawyer to learn how to circumnavigate the BS.

Of course it was created by the tricksters, who else would have created something so cunning and wickedly unfair?  It is to keep us trapped in a state of fear and control. It does not benefit humanity one bit.

My own moral compass is much stronger than Cosmic Law and much more strict, but fair . I will bow to nothing and give my power away to nothing and neither should anyone else. Claim and stand in your rightful spiritual power. These beings do not have the right nor authority to judge you nor I.

They will intimidate and use any means necessary to convince you though that the do have authority over you.

At 4.12 in the video, it is ringing alarm bells, Danger Will Robinson! This is where new age and Spiritual disinformation comes in. I will have no part of this. This is occult ritual magic I will have nothing to do with this stuff and I warn people stay right away from rituals, spells etc. It is BS to think there is good and bad magic. It is a ll the same poop don't try to justify it saying it is for good, you are fooling yourself. This is a very firm NO.

I am glad Wes has called it out too. NEVER ever, draw anything into your body. That is a huge mistake right there. You go from within and expel not drawing who knows what in through the body.

I can say yes, I used to because as I said, I was taught through the spiritual church and then thought; hey hang on this does not feel right. Parrot repetition is not education, I mean no disrespect to the Spiritual church or anyone else when I say this. I understand it is just the way of teaching, but it does not make it right.

Everything comes from within, everything we will ever need in life is within us. Please do not forget that. It is vital to survival and especially so when it comes to spiritual matters.

Notice at 8.46 it is different methods used to trap different souls. The awakened ones are vital targets, the jewel in the crown if you like.

Alan B'Stard sums it up for me.

Catching souls as they try to leave the matrix reminds me of the uncoordinated Olympics of Monty Python fame. Catch me if you can!

When reading the Emerald Tablets please use caution because they may have a hidden form of NLP about them. Neuro-linguistic programming which go in to the sub consciousness.