Thursday 20 September 2018

Psychic Predictions For 2019 Australian Federal Elections

NOTE: If you have arrived here please be advised that my predictions are now transferred to my new blog.

My New website was launched in December 2023

Looking at the messy situation of Australian politics, the NLP are in disarray still and this is going to cost them dearly come election time. divisions within the NLP is a disgrace but will be around for a while. Do not expect loyalty nor solutions. Make no mistake this wedge was deliberately inserted by powerful business men as a control system. Breaking the party and pick over the bones to get what they want.

This has no place in politics but is a reality of life. Media backing and stoking the fires to install who they want. Julie Bishop still plays her cards close to her chest, and at this stage has only set herself finite timeline to stay. For some reason I pick up real estate connected to her as I write this. I don't know what that is about. I will leave it there though.

Scot Morrison is just a gate keeper and will do as he is told. He is a stubborn and proud man and prone to angry outbursts. I do not see him staying as Prime Minister. perhaps 18 months or so. Nothing is set in stone and certainly not in the world of politics. As I have said in other political readings this change of leadership is the standard of the day now like in the UK. Let this be a reminder to the voter that your vote is but a mere illusion, it does not count.
It is by passed by leadership coups. Democracy is a non existent illusion is the game.

I do feel Scot Morrison will get out of his depth, his views as we can already see are not welcomed by most people and is prone to rub the public up the wrong way. After being placed in this Prime Ministership the game is now to manipulate and ridicule him in the media. That is not a nice thing to do and it shows you our media are bought and paid for by very nasty people. No respect for any one.

Mr Morrison will be seen as the Australian Donald Trump, I feel he will step aside after the elections. Should he miraculously win then he will not be the PM for long.

As we know the NLP is a sinking ship and it will stay this way for a while. The loss of respect from the voters will take a long time to fix. I doubt Josh Frydenberg can do anything to fix this either, I do not feel he is the right man to be the leader of the NLP.

I see a younger man (could be Josh Frydenberg) taking the baton and running with it within the ranks of the NLP, the others do not stand a chance against him. His backing to too powerful. That worries me as this is an agenda which is very bad for Australia. This young man taking over the leader ship is the " what's in it for me" type of guy.  Careless mistakes will be made by this younger man.

Do keep your eye on Zed Seselja again, Zed like I said last year will become the Prime Minister one day, that could be within the next two elections, not the 2019 one though. But he needs to  be very careful whom he trusts. There is a small group of men around Zed are wanting him to do their bidding. They are not politicians and the harm will stick to Zed's name but not theirs, so please be very careful whom you trust Zed.

Too much money is being sent overseas and the public disapprove of this, as much is needed back home. I here the words "agreements written in blood", referring to the public monies being drained and much sent off shore. The ALP will not stop this either.

In fact they will over spend the public monies.  Watch out for Penny Wong in the ALP , she is not at this stage likely to be leader of the ALP or Prime Minister. I feel she is going to have a major run in with a male party member and it will get ugly. I do feel Penny is also more inclined to do the roles other than PM or Vice PM as it gives her some leeway and less likely to draw flack.

She is a very ambitious lady also. No, is not in her vocabulary.

Now down to the elections it is team Red versus team Blue. Both are trying to win over the voters but there is a lazy  apathetic feeling from the politicians. They do not seem to care much. Not like the old days. The public are not stupid and are better informed than ever before. I honestly do not like the way things are heading politically for Australia as a whole. Dark times are on the horizon because the politicians have gotten away with way too much. The Genie is out of the lamp and will not go back in.

This feels like an Empire on its way down, That is our little Aussie Empire of being true blue. I am very sad to see this. Sadly voters think they have the power, but they don't they have an illusion that is now turning dark.

So much energy has been wasted and lack of foresight by both the politicians and the public. There is a strong air of deception leading the voters up the garden path with fake promises, the voters will be very angry.

 I do not feel the ALP can save Australia, they are out to play a game of hearts and minds. Remember one thing here though. Many of the new comers to Australia are not stupid and will not fall for this. They have seen it all before. This will be yet an other dilemma.

Do not be surprised if there is a new female leader of the ALP, however she is not the real power. It is a male person with brown hair behind her that is the power. She is a mere puppet.

So much of the male energy in politics is either too weak or angry and vengeful. All parties need a good shake up but no one seems capable of doing this. No one has any real power as their hands are tied by business men and the media.

Some of these politicians would like to speak out but are too afraid, especially in the NLP right now.
The media have too much power and we are seeing what was done by Rupert Murdoch in the UK happening in Australia. This must be addressed as these individuals do not speak for the Australian voters. The public must demand this stops.

I am hearing the words " false victory"  and "closed off".  That sums up the way things are at present.

Bill Shorten ( sadly I feel a male passing to spirit around him, an older man) This election could be the end of his leadership.  May be that is not a bad thing, I do not feel he has the steel to be  Prime Minister.

There is a lot of animosity around Bill Shorten at present, he needs to move fast to thwart a leadership challenge, just like I saw in last prediction on him. It will become apparent the party want to replace him. This is a female gunning for him and she wont stop. I feel this is Penny Wong gunning for him to topple him. But I could be wrong I do not think she will be a leader. Many voters will not tolerate her harshness.

Her knives are out, but I feel it is just to assist in the coup. So watch out for this little shark in the tank. Politics will always be a male club it is the nature of the beast and male dominated energy on an astrological level that lasts thousands of years.

Now whom ever the new Prime Minister is I can tell you he is greedy for power. He will not listen to others, it is all about him. I feel the new Prime Minister will have light coloured hair (may be its gray, lol) He is not a strong man, just stubborn and this can bring him unstuck. I do not think he will last long. Now this could still be Scot Morrison. How ever if that is the case, then he could still be taken over by Josh Frydenberg ans Leader of the NLP.

You can bet your boots Zed Seselja will not like this and will up the steaks. In 5 to 10 years Zed will step in to the role of Prime Minister.

If the ALP play their cards right they could scoop up the elections, however they will drop the ball economically speaking and put us in deep debt. The ALP are aligned with China, so that is something people must think about too.

This will be yet an other nail biting down to the wire election. Young people will swing to Labor and the Greens yet again due to propaganda agents, and their youth does not afford them all wisdom. We all have to go through this it is only natural remember.

I do see snap changes at the poling booths. I see the ALP win hands down.

But will they stand up to China? I doubt it. This is also the dawning of very dark times for Australia. I see turmoil and open aggression within Australia and from overseas aimed at Australia.

Australia really must assert itself in the world or they will become history. After Christmas big changes are foot within Australia there are dangerous times ahead for all of us. We have our leaders to thank for this. Australia will not be the same again after this. This does not have to happen, but it will be made to happen. Make no mistake this is a very dark agenda. We will have a struggle to keep Australia in our own hands. Thanks to the politicians and business men that sold us out.

This is treachery and I am very very sad at this. Even though I was not born in Australia. This great nation has a massive piece of my heart and always will have.

I have lived here since 1973 off and on until 1983 due to my parents choices, but from 1983 on wards I had my own say and took out citizenship and this is where I will stay. As a loyal Australian citizen.

Copyright Alex Fulford 20 September 2018

UPDATE 7 November 2018

 posted in news on  7/11/18     Election could be in May.

Well I was right about Scott Morrison being treated like the Aussie Trump. But he won, because Bill Shorten screwed up an easy election, and now he is out. I did say he would be out. So not everything is wrong in the "prediction". They are not easy to get right and this was not an easy prediction like previous years.

So given Labor screwed up it will be interesting to see what happens next and there are still many changes to come through the year. Nothing is set in stone either as is often shown in recent times.
We can just wait and watch now.