So as we are jabbering away, he put the cannula in my arm and the nurse puts the blood pressure band on my other arm. Next I am wondering when will he yank the tooth out. But Lo and behold, I turn my head to talk to a nurse and she says , you can get up now and rest in the recovery room.
I said hang on he hasn’t pulled the tooth yet. To my surprise she said , it’s all done.
I was amazed, touching my face and could feel the packing. I smiled and said I was amazed because it was like a blink of an eye.
So after that it was home to rest and take pain killers, boy when the pain kicked in, it’s pretty bad. I didn’t sleep very well. Over night I kept having to take pain killers every four hours. The good thing is they make me drowsy. I have slept most of today too. Ruby my Jack Russell by my side too.
The swelling hasn’t really started yet but it will. Hamster meets the godfather 😂😂 So now it’s rest up and plenty liquid, ice cream, jelly and custard.
I hope to be back to doing readings by Monday next week. Remember I no longer do face to face readings. Just a Phone and Skype. It is all about energy, so I don’t need the person to be present. Which is good for you because you can be relaxed at home in your pyjamas or what ever having a cuppa ( cup of tea or coffee) in cozy comfort 🥳👍
I am kinda old school, regardless of phone or Skype I still get my makeup on and dressed for work as usual. I hope that all my readers have a great week and take care.
Alex and fur babies