We took our dog Ruby out to the park today, we have not been out in months for a walk due to the heat in summer and the bushfire smoke. Then the Covid 19 struck, so I have basically not been out for any walks at all since December last year. Thankfully I have a decent size garden for Ruby to run around in. But today we decided it will be safe to take Ruby out for a walk.
We went to Tuggeranong park. To my surprise there were a lot of people there, including a few people dog walking. It was so uplifting to be able to get out and just have a walk. I have only been to the doctors, the supermarket or the chemist since Christmas, or a bit before Christmas. I don't remember to be honest.
I am still not sure about the relaxing of the lockdown. I would have said give it to the end of May just to be sure. Canberra at this stage has no current cases of the virus I am happy to say. I pray we stay that way. There are a few new cases elsewhere so that makes me very cautious. If the government gets this wrong then its possibly back to square one and that will upset many people.
I am still going to be keeping my social distancing for a while and not take risks at all. It is not worth getting sick over. One must keep up with the sun light for vitamin D, (roughly speaking about 20 mins in the sun), and keep building up one's immune system. The longer you are indoors the higher the risk of having a weakened immune system. Add stress into the factor too, because stress will also play a part in weakening the immune system.
I would recommend googling the benefits of Magnesium, Zinc, B vitamin group, vitamin D and C, and how to build up your immune system. Inform your doctor of what you are taking of course, because you need to have the correct guidance when taking vitamin and mineral supplements as it may interact with medications. So better to play it safe and not put your health at risk.
Any how I am looking forward to a new balance of daily walks with our fur baby and enjoying the Canberra sunshine. We have lovely autumns in Canberra. Blue skies and autumn colours which are a delight for the eyes in our bush capital. We are surrounded with bushland and a view of the Brindabella mountains in this old part of town and I would not swap it for anything. The views are spectacular just walking through the streets or going to Tuggeranong park and surrounding reserves etc.
The smells of winter are in the air and the slight coolness touches ones cheeks in the sunny afternoon. As we walk through the crunchy dried leaves in the park. Heading home after such a lovely outing and feeling uplifted and invigorated. By 5 o'clock though it starts to get quite chilly and the smell of fire smoke from chimneys is welcoming.
I long for the winter days where we have lovely days in blue skies and wrapped up warm against the cold. Cosy comfort and a hot cup of milo as I watch the afternoon sun fade to a golden sunset, feeling I have the best of both worlds, surrounded by nature, what could be better than that?
Canberra to me is at its best in spring and autumn full of colour and a vibrant energy, kids playing, birds singing and golden sunshine every day. Sunrise and sunsets are spectacular and to me a little mystical. Surrounded by nature and a sense of peace far from the big cities is a luxury to me , one that cannot be replaced by anything. I love my garden and the privacy it gives me to enjoy the simple things in life. I have no need for the high life, give me birds and a garden and I am happy.
The peace and tranquillity of my garden is like a meditation that I must have every day to get me through life. It warms my soul to be in my garden or strolling in the bush appreciating what nature provides.
Within two or three minutes from my front door I have parrots and all sorts of wonderful birds such as the eastern rosella, the crimson rosella, lorikeets, wattle birds and cockatoos that I have the pleasure of seeing when walking Ruby. Simple pleasures that one cannot put a price on right here in my suburb. It makes me very appreciative of what I have.
I don’t ask for much in life, I live a simple life and I am content with what I have and the joy of being surrounded with nature, that is my paradise. If you have your health and nature around you to enjoy, then you are very fortunate.
UPDATE 4 May 2020 a new case of Covid 19 in Canberra today 😭
I thought it was too good to last. Oh dear is it back to the old drawing board again? I hope not, but it will be what it will be.