Thursday 30 August 2018

Card Of The Month, September: The Queen Of Cups

As I shuffle the cards and select the Queen of cups, I hear the word Auspicious. Hmmm is this an omen of what is to come? I prefer to see it as a positive omen, especially for individuals. September is a cheery  month bursting with the joys of spring in Australia.
Winter comes to an end. The equinox falls on 23rd September and this is proper spring time full of excitement and new life.

In this months tarot card what I do see is change, it is time for change re birth and renewal of energy. Canberra is in a mix of energy of change, though not for the better. Yes, it is still stale energy being rehashed unfortunately. But we must keep hopeful, I do feel a sweeping change will come whether we like it or not though. The sweep has not quite started yet only preparing getting underway. So watch out Australia we are going into election mode, think carefully over the situation, as what you decide you get.

Now to bring the card down to every one on a personal level. Clearing out  clutter to make way for new useful changes in our lives. More inspiration and invigoration as we follow our instincts. There is a motherly feeling in this card's energy. I am being drawn to the water in the card, and the feeling is go with the flow of life do not fight it. Listen to your intuition before doing anything major, such as buying a house or starting a family.

Commitment is also important so finish what you start. Family responsibilities are indicated here some may have to take care of elderly relatives or friends this month. I do feel trips to hospital for some. This feels like minor issues but hospitals being busy coping with the little accidents or tummy bugs. Frustrations at long waits to being attended to at the hospital are indicated, so take a kindle or iPad with you to keep your self amused while you wait.

I do see people out buying household items as the bag the end of season bargains so shops will do a good trade, this helps the economy too. All up it is not too bad a month, just be careful and try to avoid accidents.

I hope everyone has a lovely spring time and gets out doors for a good doze of sunshine.


Alex xxx