Monday 27 August 2018

Did You Know ?

I sure did, the thing is why don't the under educated know? Oh that's right they are sheep, some even have a degree. Go figure how someone with a university degree can swallow all the crap from MSM.

This information is verifiable and had been proven time and time again., the same deal with vaccines, and too many people on the planet BS and not enough food which is an outright lie.

Europeans are not stupid for a start, they knew the dangers of fluoride as far back as the 1930's. Fluoride is banned in Europe.

You will find links on my blog about the five under ground oceans and lakes. Google this information, it is right there at your finger tips.

Why is it that the English speaking nations are so far behind in basic education in comparison to non English speaking Western nations?

Did you know about the genocide on Anglo Saxons? Go look that up, it includes Celtic people too. Don't  you think that is strange? Do you know why? I do!

You may want to start thinking about your life expectancy over the next 30 years while you are at it. Not to forget the control over your money, I kid you not.