I can confirm I do love books and read all sorts of things. I have a good book collection. I have a deep love of knowledge, history especially.
start to the lifeline never shows clearly on a handprint, so knowing the Date
Of Birth always helps,and Alex birth was not the smoothest either for her of her mother, and from an
early age Alex often felt she was the mother and her mother was the child, this
often happens with those spiritually cognisant of why they are here, because of
an ancient sense of responsibility, experts tell us the child is born when the
planetary conditions outside coincide with those of the world within, but
nowadays conveyor belt birthing is the cause of much early trauma.
was born with blue lips and could have been premature, and she was probably not
aware but she was born with a heart defect, a small hole in the heart, this
often repairs itself as the child grows and this appears to be the case as no
sign of it now shows, but this would explain why she was no good at sport at
school and so she developed other skills, children who are different are always
singled out for bullying and this was indeed the case and I would highlight
this at 10-11 years of age.
did have some Arial Fibrillation which is not uncommon and its an irregular
heartbeat which shows it will clear in time.
Alex was not a happy child Henry Thoreau "if a man loses pace with his companions, it's because he hears a different drummer "
and Alex always marched to a far away drum that her classmates did not hear.
Age 6 shows an awakening a kind of early psychic experience which set the pace for Alex's developing personality.
Alex was not a happy child Henry Thoreau "if a man loses pace with his companions, it's because he hears a different drummer "
and Alex always marched to a far away drum that her classmates did not hear.
Age 6 shows an awakening a kind of early psychic experience which set the pace for Alex's developing personality.
teens shows Alex developing a very headstrong attitude, and from this time she
has not been one to tolerate wingers, time wasters cranks or sceptics.
13 shows her first crush and maybe her first kiss, psychologically the first
kiss can stamp our personality
how we connect to others in deep meaningful ways, and this first connect should
always be gentle and positive, but is not always so. At this time she shows an
aptitude for practical things such as science and history and English languages
in fact the urge to communicate will be with her for life, she could be a
collector of books, a Bibliophile, or maybe a hoarder of knowledge's.
just immediately prior to her 16th birthday she experiences real love for the
first time, the month of June is important here.
21 show a tremor in her emotional landscape, Alex head rules her heart, which
means unlike most women who like a good looking or well presented man she looks
for intellectual compatibility and the ability to share from the head, so sense
of humour would be important as is his mental outlook.
emotional needs would be from her man, Maturity Stability and Security and she
could not get these from a younger man, so
although the trend now among women is for toy boys she would need an older man,
and in the USA there is much argument by the feminist psychologists at present
over whether women should choose their partners from friends or not, but Alex
100% would have to start from a friendship in any relationship she had, husband
boyfriend lover etc would all have to be based on friendship.
has a fear of being poor so the ability to pay bills is vital for her inner
24 shows a time where of the 4 kinds of karma, Prarabdha karma is heavily at
play here, this is the fruit from seeds planted long ago now bearing fruit,
once the seed is planted there is no escape from the fruit it bears, and I
would have advised Alex to marry in this year, February is marked for movement
and I would have suggested this month for any decision making.
28-29 and here is a time of some sadness, a loss of some sort is indicated
up to age 32-33 period where changes are indicated perhaps a change of
residence career or a child perhaps, but Alex outlook changes from this period,
she has an unusual fingerprint pattern which suggests digestive or gastric anomalies,
so I would advise she gets an occasional check on intestinal and bowel areas to
play safe, and to add turmeric to her diet.
41 and here we see an easing up of past thought patterns, no longer does she
distrust her emotional arenas, but becomes a lot more balanced, Carl Jung the
great psychologist spoke much on the battle between heart and head or Thinking
versus feeling, and here we see Alex becoming much more heart centred.
women who feel they cannot trust men turn their affection to animals, and Heni
Rey the psychologist said you can gauge the depth of distrust by the number of
cats a woman has, women identify particularly with cats as it's a common feline
hand shows she does have some anxiety and fear for the future, but she has
several protective signs which mean she is covered by a kind of spiritual
50 is where you are now in this period and particularly age 51 in the month of
October destiny shows its face, Alex according to Hindu palmistry is here on a
mission, healing shows in her hand and a good reading is always a healing, and
teaching shows too, so although Alex early life show resistance to this, fate
says she must teach and healing is a part of that, and her work will be known
abroad, which infers some degree of fame, something which Alex has always avoided
in the past.
Destiny line is shown in a way we only ever see with people in the public eye,
performers entertainers and teachers in fact anyone who has to stand up in
front of an audience has this marking and hers shows its part in what she has come
to do.
is a practical minded girl but now has a much better balance in terms of
heart/head, she is in good shape and has the stubbornness and temper to carry
out her destiny, there is a blip at aged 56 and another change at age 60, and
at this
there is some celebration and time for putting feet up and rest.
soul chooses the lessons to hone its vehicle for its tasks ahead, and Alex main
functions are in the head chakras, e g third eye and throat, and this has made
her heart centre sluggish in the past, but she has recently been doing a lot of
growth in the
areas and this is good for the balance of what is to come.
a daily vitamin, extra Vit C an oil of evening primrose, and use garlic and turmeric
in your food.
Unfortunately, I can't work out how to add the scans of my hand prints to the item about me. Once I get help doing this I will update the post.