Friday 14 August 2020

Melbourne residents asked to stand on their front porch and scream

Talk about monkey see, monkey do. It just shows how stupid people are. Can't they see they are being manipulated with all the stupid clapping etc, and now this? 

Stop and think of people suffering from PTSD, mental health issues and trauma from war zones, that could be living near by. This stupidity can set off some very distressing situations for these people. Then who the hell is to blame. People with Asperger's are very sensitive to noise too, add barking dogs in to the mix as well and it becomes a nightmare for those unfortunate enough to be suffering from any of the above conditions. This has to be the most stupid idea yet, they manipulate the masses not to mention this is possibly harmful.

People were not so stupid during the two world wars to carry on like idiots. They just got on with life, suck it up and shut up. We don't want to hear idiots screaming their heads off thanks. What about how frightening this is for children too? Try getting them off to sleep and idiots do this. 

Whom ever came up this this brain dead idea needs a good talking to. This is totally unacceptable behaviour and should not be encouraged.