Friday 4 November 2016

The biggest supermoon and the gravest omen since 1948 by DR Louis Turi

Dr Turi is  having " issues" with Facebook, they are doing everything in their power to stop this good man. Dr Turi is trying to warn people and assist them in being more cosmically and spiritually aware. Yet time after time he gets thwarted by them. So he is asking his fans to help share this important post, by copying and pasting  his article, so that people can have an informed opinion.

 If we offer only false products of Modern Astrology, no matter how  inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish divine Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
The biggest super-moon and the gravest omen since 1948
(CNN) If you step outside on November 14, you might notice the moon is looking bigger and brighter than usual. Bigger in fact, than it has appeared at any point in the last 68 years, say scientists. This month’s supermoon, the penultimate of the year, will be the biggest so far of the 21st century. We won’t see its like again until 2034, so make sure you get a look.
A “supermoon” occurs when the moon becomes full on the same days as its perigee, which is the point in the moon’s orbit when it is closest to Earth. The term is borrowed from the pseudoscience of astrology but has been adopted by popular culture and astronomers. Supermoons generally appear to be 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons. While such moons occur around every 13 months, November’s is a special one.
IMPORTANT NOTICE; YOUR SUPPORT IS IMPORTANT… HELP TO SAVE THE WORLD. DO YOUR PART! FACEBOOK IS STOPPING ME REACHING YOU  WITH MY WARNINGS! PLEASE READ THEN COPY AND PASTE (SUBMIT THE STORY) ON VARIOUS GROUPS. USE THE INSERTED SECTION LINK BELOW! – THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HUMANITY AND THE CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE. SUPER MOON – The biggest super moon since 1948 you will ever see until 2017! – The question is, what do you think will be left of planet earth and humans in 2034; knowing all reptilius infected greedy matrixes are running the world? That is if we manage not to further self – destruct and beat those hostile entities which will make good use of the 2017 SHOCKING nuclear cosmic winds! “If we offer only false products of modern astrology, no matter how inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Divine Astrology from pseudoscience?” Dr. Turi – Google “SUPER MOON dr.turi”
Dear readers;
The question is, what do you think will be left of planet earth and humans in 2034 knowing all reptilius infected greedy matrixes are running the world? That is if we manage not to further self destruct and beat those hostile entities which will make a great use of the 2017 SHOCKING nuclear cosmic winds! 
While such “Blood Moons” moons occur around every 13 months, November’s election (the moon favor women!) is not onle a very special one for women at large but also for America! Since these are my very last publicized cosmic code articles (all will stop after the elections) I translated all my visions and predictions in great details for our VIP’s in the cosmic code private website! What will take place on November 14th, first of the Super moon days? I guess it’s bit too much information for the public…  Join us! 
Be sure the Astronomers in millions years will never, ever accept nor realize without the old art and science of astrology; there would be no astronomy! It is by stealing the old clay tables of Sumerian Astrologers and by calculating mathematically the correct time of an eclipse that Astronomy was born. Thus Astronomy is a BYPRODUCT of a much older art and science that must be kept underground by the competitive scientific matrix!
But this type of tuition can never be taught in colleges and universities and astrology must be repressed and reduced to only a wasteful pseudo-science; when it is not!
And Facebook, Google and various famous publications run by wealthy corporations tap on a mass of gullible, uneducated people on millions of “astrology” websites selling “For Entertainment junk and financial Purpose Only”
Since 1991 I dedicated my life to give divine astrology not only the respect it deserve but also tried hard for years to re-instate its crucial regenerative values in our declining society!
The main problem is; to learn, teach and handle the ancient science and efficient art is not for everyone! Much like Micheal Jackson blessed with a gift he received by the stars through his brilliant, artistic natal UCI! 
Taking away astrology is seriously infringing the very spiritual reasons to why God created the stars, and infringing any cosmic rules always bring a penalty! Rest assured, the critical reasons for the state of this world is because the religious and scientific matrixes took over the human spirit. Those corporations control all the information and indoctrinated the masses to ridicule and deny the cosmic code jurisdictions. Then man lost its spiritual connection with his spirit, the divine and God cosmic divinity!
I am sure there are many of you concerned like me because they took away God’s cosmic divine print on your children and replace it with those like Neil DeGrace’s traditionally “educated” rational guesses as to what our solar system is all about!
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi
The solutions are simple with many dedicated cosmic conscious teachers from all walks of life .i.e. our students  but trying to convince the corrupt US Department of Education to re-instate divine astrology as a  vital art science for the well being of tomorrows generation is another story; in this poisoned world.
I gave a sample of the crucial reasons to do so in the video below but the powerful deceptive controlling system I am fighting is something I can’t win alone!  And my religious and atheists enemies seem to rise above.

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –  Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!
It seem very difficult to fight NASA or any supremely wealthy corporations, cleverly designed to invest billions of dollars on endless advertisements on CNN and all other powerful medias. They own you!