Click the line above to read Dr Turi's astrology news letter. Please be aware that he is translating his newsletter from his native French into English. If you notice any grammar issues it is down to the translation. Just improvise as you go. He has gone to enormous effort to bring this information to the world at large.
I personally have the utmost respect for this great man, please do him the courtesy of reading up on his web site and his blog. I don't know of any other astrologer that will take the time and effort to help educate people in the intricacies of our every day lives. it may just even save someones life just by them reading and understanding what he is trying to say to the individual.
Please enjoy. XXX
Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Switzerland Considers Repealing Incest Laws
It is official the World has gone mad.
It is official the World has gone mad.
Premonition Yesterday Afternoon
Late yesterday afternoon, whilst hanging out some washing, I suddenly felt a feeling of death.
It was a sickening feeling, just a knowing that something bad was about to happen. I knew that there was going to be a lot of deaths coming. Not where or when though. It was as if I was feeling it come through from the Universe. Telling me to keep alert to the world news. I had the same feeling in November last year that something was going to happen in Australia. The morning of 1/11/2009 I heard the news at 6 AM. There had been an accident in Sydney Harbour, a young woman was killed. then I knew more was to come. All November 2009 was full of death.
Which brings me back to today. I read on Google news about the Bombing in Iran. Spirit guides tell me this is done by someone other than who is taking credit for the crime. Pretty sick if you ask me. God only knows what it must be like to live in full knowledge that you have killed in cold blood and not care one bit. Innocent souls that have done nothing wrong. How on Earth can someone not care about taking not just one innocent life, but many?
My heart goes out to all those poor souls that were murdered, the wounded and all their loved ones left to cope with their loss.
copyright by Alex Fulford 2011
It was a sickening feeling, just a knowing that something bad was about to happen. I knew that there was going to be a lot of deaths coming. Not where or when though. It was as if I was feeling it come through from the Universe. Telling me to keep alert to the world news. I had the same feeling in November last year that something was going to happen in Australia. The morning of 1/11/2009 I heard the news at 6 AM. There had been an accident in Sydney Harbour, a young woman was killed. then I knew more was to come. All November 2009 was full of death.
Which brings me back to today. I read on Google news about the Bombing in Iran. Spirit guides tell me this is done by someone other than who is taking credit for the crime. Pretty sick if you ask me. God only knows what it must be like to live in full knowledge that you have killed in cold blood and not care one bit. Innocent souls that have done nothing wrong. How on Earth can someone not care about taking not just one innocent life, but many?
My heart goes out to all those poor souls that were murdered, the wounded and all their loved ones left to cope with their loss.
copyright by Alex Fulford 2011
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
News letter from Astrologer Dr Louis Turi
This is a copy of an e-mail to me from Astrologer Dr Louis Turi. I can't speak highly enough of this man and have been following him for a few years. I subscribe to his newsletters , and highly recommend him to anyone interested in Astrology or interested in what is going on in our world at present.
Dr. Turi12/13/2010 Dear reader; SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION READER! THANK YOU - DT Nominat...
13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. TuriLoading...13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. Turi to me
show details 13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dear reader;
Nominate Dr. Turi for a Yahoo! Contributor Award
I received this interesting email today from an pleased reader enunciating that our infantile science is slowly waking up to reality about astrology...A reality I was born to perceive, translate for the world and use in my entire life since the tender age of 7 years old. Thanks to my Gran ma in heaven who always told me to watch the moon if I ever needed to own a garden and my grandpa near her who explained to me why the tides were so high during a full moon when he took me fishing.
"Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology - Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionally provides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality."
As you know I mentioned so many times that the new younger generation is better equipped spiritually to "think out of the box" and explore the stars on a more spiritual values while trying hard not to upset the older scientific community hard core morons born with an inadequate UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. While the "new kids on the block" needs to keep their job within the "educated" science community, they cannot accept the fact to be less smart than million of perceptive practicing astrologers who never attended any of their accredited expansive schools and Universities. The fact is clear reader, anyone ever interested and used astrology is a million miles ahead and smarter than ALL scientists combined together because we did not have to waste precious tax dollars to recognize the obvious...
As you also know being a leader in this field and an Internet celebrity on the topic, many kids looking for the golden keys of what it means to be human have the possibility through my endless chain of newsletters to grasp a glimpse of the spirit, find some answers and if they work harder the undeniable proof of my predictions. Dr. Turi's good heart is also used in a way that many people (including students from all walks of life and scientists alike) picked up so much wisdom in the process and added the curiosity to their own repertoire... Here is another "prediction " for them, dedicated to today's news bringing more values to the Cosmic Code rules. By the way note also that Uranus rules astrology and shocking news and for the scientific community to actually admit the obvious is something quite extraordinary to me and both the quatrain and keywords used speaks my expertise to the T.uri. When I ask my reader to read between the lines, the underlined and the topics exposed should match and they always do...
Quatrain Sample for a (+) Uranic window
Entrails Upset Spit Above Red Fire Wind To Dance Stars Command Shock Science Calm Deception To Strike KEYWORDS USED to explain a (+) Uranic window
Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.
But if the scientific community (and those reading my work for years) need more proof that the "stars" regulates and affects everything happening on earth including the weather here is another tip...
Red Fire Wind To Dance?
A low pressure system, pushed by heavy winds, is creating hazardous conditions in parts of the Midwest, which has been blanketed by near-whiteout conditions since the storm began Friday.
But while I am in the "predictions" section I'd like to remind my reader and the scientists to read the following posted 01/01/2010 at
I see quite a lot of tornadoes; wind storms, sand storms, fire storms stopping traffic (check 2011 Moon power Supernova windows for most impact) and such a "wind" activity can only make the upcoming hurricane "season" a very busy one. Again do not expect the NWS or science at large to remotely understand the inner workings of the Cosmic Code or God' sign plaguing the world in the year 2011 until August 2012. Update: November 23rd, 2010: CNN - Midwest hit hard by extreme winds, flash floods Update: December 2nd, 2010: -- Shifting winds from the storm front that is moving through the eastern United States produced heavy snow has shut down Interstate 90 near Buffalo, New York, leaving motorists stranded for more than 12 hours as of Thursday morning, with more snow on the way.
Its a great honor Dr. Turi to offer you the Nobel Prize for your dedication to humanity...
But ultimately what I am trying to do today is to make sure the reader understand that "the new kids on the block" or the new spiritually inclined scientists cruise also the Internet 24/7 and while some steal music or videos for pleasure, others intellectually inclined souls have found in all the incalculable astrological material posted there, the answers that stimulated them to conduct a deeper research (and findings) of what astrology is all about. Thus because the system is set as such, the future scientific "nominee" will receive the Nobel Price he stole from the genius of people like me. Thus this "educated" scientist comes along and gets the honor and respect he stole from someone's lifetime arduous work. I doubt very much you will hear about Dr. Turi won a Nobel Prize in the near future; meantime my work is legit, solid, scientifically oriented and has helped millions of people during the course of my life. The only peace I have is that all I wrote is forever dated and printed on the Internet and my lifelong work will benefit more scientists / children of the future...
(NaturalNews) Mention the word "astrology" and skeptics go into an epileptic fit. The idea that someone's personality could be imprinted at birth according to the position of the sun, moon and planets has long been derided as "quackery" by the so-called "scientific" community which resists any notion based on holistic connections between individuals and the cosmos. According to the conventional view, your genes and your parenting determine your personality, and the position of planet Earth at the time of your birth has nothing to do with it.
DT Rebuttal: All I can suggest the reader to do is to go back in time and read some of my newsletters referring to "science and astrology" so you can truly appreciate the facts. I have to sound redundant again but the scientific community is totally oblivious of the word UCI and are themselves born with an unperceptive mental process. When I use the word inferior, the natural inborn mental pride of all scientists kicks in, thus by respect let's try another way. A natural born scientist is someone that inherited a strong dose of Saturn's earthy, logical, down to earth, critical, organized, mathematically oriented mind. Thus their UCI *Unique Celestial Identity can only rely on their five human rational earthy senses to deal with life in general. Saturn breeds astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers and all professional students that are well read and dwell only with what they can perceive reasonably. Their "wisdom" comes from accredited schools "Piling Higher and Deeper" and carry mental pride and think they know better than the common mortal because of their PhD's. But at the same time being so rational those people cannot auto analyze themselves or life around them otherwise, this does not mean they are stupid simply different. We need them to build gearboxes, solid bridges and do math period...To them I say read "Einstein And The E=MC 2 Theory" Date September 17th 2008 from
DNA Versus UCI
*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~Albert Einstein*
The mind is like a computer with a unique celestial program inherited at birth, it is all based upon all previous past lives information, work and karma. While we are all interconnected physically we are also total strangers to each others, including our very close family members. The physical connection between the mother and the child (or anyone of your family) is genetically proven using DNA. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; which is present in almost every cell in your body. DNA produces a genetic blueprint, unique to each individual (except identical twins), which determines your physical make up. You inherit your genetic DNA code from your parents. Thus you may even look like mom or dad!
Where science has failed to recognize the obvious I presents the scientific community with *UCI or (Unique Celestial Identity). This is a new concept involving the interaction of the Universal Mind with the human psyche. Indeed I am well ahead of time in my unique research and the scientific community does not yet understand these facts. However with this new discovery there is hope for a different type of mental exploration which will improve with the new crowd of new spiritually inclined scientists. A scientific soul *UCI is set naturally to be reluctant to explore the intangible or worse, inapt to penetrate the archetypal realm of consciousness or the intuitional domain of the Universal Mind. Such a young soul will never realize that the stars are not just mere rocks depraved of spiritual life. What cannot be seen or accepted just yet by the majority of scientists does not mean it does not exist...There is no school that can produce an Einstein or a Mozart. Like me and so many other people and geniuses out there, certain souls were born with a powerful intuitive UCI and a well-developed intuition.
This translates into a well developed natural objectivity where the soul does not miss the tree for the forest and possess tremendous artistic or/or musical imagination. This gift is often missing in the scientific community's limited perception that is confined to systematic approaches that neglect or rebuff the intuition. In the case of Einstein he inherited a dignified "Dragon" and benefited from both a well balanced "physical/spiritual" UCI. Thus while being extraordinary logical he was also unusually spiritual for a scientist. It is usually one or the other and he was blessed on both sides put it this way.
"there is a big difference between education and intelligence!"
"In this study, not only did the birth month impact personality; it also resulted in measurable functional changes in the brain."
Now I will explain in the best way I can my own conception of UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity." Again the mind is nothing more than a computer interacting with the outside stimuli provided by the stars (Universal Mind/Cosmic Code). Your very celestial program inherited at birth dictates all your strengths, weaknesses, fate, health and all that it means to be human and how you perceive you own reality. Because scientists can only relate to numbers to grasp anything let's use this example with some old computers.
There is a big difference between a "286, a 386 and a 486" computer programs yes? Let's start with the lowest of all or a 286, this is the feeble limited program reflecting the morons, the imbeciles, the idiots inherited at birth and please do not tell me you never landed on one of those souls in your life... The program is not advanced enough because they did not work hard enough in previous lives, committed suicide or fell victims of human endless wars at a very young age. The reasons are endless but the souls reincarnated with little gift or help because he did not stay long enough in school, in hell or on earth.
A "386" computer program is a bit faster, much smarter and this program would run at the speed the "young souls", skeptics, atheists, religious lunatics, scientists etc. can relate and process information with. These are in transitions, they are like young kids facing the ocean saying "Mom tons of water here but where are the fishes?" These souls have not yet reached a level of understanding or curiosity pass what they perceive as real facts, or what the books or their teachers told them to be true. Life very often forces them into situations to seek somewhere else for the answers they so desperately need to uncover.
We now have the"486" and this program runs more spiritually more efficiently and it is designed by God for the "advanced souls" that are compiling the 286/386 computerized programs together and benefit from a newer different more perceptive software version. These souls arrive on earth with an incredible imagination, many gifts and help those less advanced spiritually to grow at their level. Of course life and technology is in a constant process of changes, thus as the planets moves endlessly above, they will in time make more auspicious aspects and produce a new crowd of much more advanced human beings. These people will look at science today and laugh their head off...Pretty much like you would wonder how the cave men had to knock rocks for ever to start a fire when we use a lighter nowadays.
NASA Costly Ignorance - May 11th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2 - May 13th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3 May 14th 2009
Read all from
But the question is the "youngest soul" willing to do the mental gymnastics needed to raise his/her own Cosmic Consciousness when the simple act of clicking on a provided link to read my material could prove to be too demanding? Indeed some people have emailed me telling me my newsletters are too long lolol How in the hell can anyone expect to learn anything from me with a 286 computer mindset? Again my sarcasm is also constructive and will help you to realize what type of UCI if you have inherited and if you are a 286 a 486 or in between if I make sense at all. Again do not take my words personally after all I am only helping you to auto analyze yourself accurately and the truth never intended to please anyone.
I made also some references to DNA and UCI with NASA scientists specifically in a newsletter titled "The Stars And Fate Of Richard Charles Hoagland" published August 1st 2010 from and I strongly recommend the reader who missed it to go back and read it. Thus the point I am trying to make is quite clear, men are NOT born equal in mind, body and spirit. While our current growing scientific population fails to recognize the Cosmic Code's impact upon itself, future generations will easily acknowledge such fact.
Young souls display the worst of human behaviors such as; crime, jealousy, drug addiction lies and reflect a multitude of negative behavioral expressions. The older soul will display, love, intelligence, curiosity, compassion, practicality, spirituality and will become; as intended by his UCI, very successful (in his own field) in time.
Like DNA, the spiritual make up or UCI between a mother and her child (or anyone of your family members) is also unique, and will become easily understood to those willing to build cosmic consciousness through the study of Astropsychology. However, regardless of your efforts to help some young souls to perceive the facts, you may never get through. A limited UCI combined with an early upbringing either scientific or religious in nature will seriously alter the conception and perception of any UCI manifestation. Yes you can bring the horse to the water but you can't make him drink...
UCI is a sophisticated inner spiritual blueprint, Unique to each individual (including identical twins), which determines the souls' inner spiritual make up and true potential. You inherited your celestial code from a combination of the Universal Mind and your accumulated karma. All the collective experiences in one's life will lead the soul towards expressing the positive or negative manifestation of those stars in your housing system. To the erudite man, those stars are much more than dead rocks hanging up there for the sake of beauty. The fact is 99.9% of the general population does not possess cosmic consciousness and are indeed robots of the stars. They are unable to apply their will because they are ignorant to the ultimate celestial order above. The purpose is real and in time, science will come to acknowledge this fact. Thanks to all my faithful students, they are furthering the Age of Aquarius and helping me providing cosmic consciousness to the badly informed population.
Then again, conventional scientists don't believe the position of the moon has anything to do with life on Earth, either. They dismiss the wisdom that farmers have known for ages -- that planting seeds or transplanting living plants in harmony with the moon cycles results in higher crop yields. Even the seeds inside humans are strongly influenced by the moon, as menstruation cycles and moon cycles are closely synchronized (28 days, roughly). Anyone who read my book Moon Power long enough will no doubt of the power of our closest satellite upon earth and its impact in the human affairs.
Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology
Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionallyprovides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality.
DT Rebuttal - Again I am amazed that such an expansive research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University brought the answers I knew when I was only a kid!! Unintentionally, are you joking? Somewhere somehow someone stimulated the young scientists to honor the word science but they have to proceed slowly not to offend hard core UCI'S in charge of their education.
This study, conducted on mice, showed that mice born in the winter showed a "consistent slowing" of their daytime activity. They were also more susceptible to symptoms that we might call "Seasonal Affective Disorder."
DT Rebuttal - Here goes a new scientific term "Seasonal Affective Disorder" that translates into more money for the pharmaceutical industry and more future dysfunctions of the human brain.
The study was carried out by Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students, none of whom believe in astrology, apparently. They do, of course, believe in science, which is why all their study findings have been draped in the language of science even though the findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
DT Rebuttal - Are you telling me and all my astrologers' comrades we are more intelligent than Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students who never believed in astrology? Indeed we are because their findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
"What is particularly striking about our results is the fact that the imprinting affects both the animal's behavior and the cycling of the neurons in the master biological clock in their brains," said Ciarleglio. This is one of the core principles of astrology: That the position of the planets at the time of your birth (which might be called the "season" of your birth) can actually result in changes in your brain physiology which impact lifelong behavior.
DT Rebuttal - Damn why this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students don't take my course and finally own the key of what it means to be human and perceive the brain as it really is, a sophisticated fleshy computer responding to the Universal mind?
Once again, such an idea sounds preposterous to the scientifically trained, unless of course they discover it for themselves, at which point it's all suddenly very "scientific." Instead of calling it "astrology," they're now referring to it as "seasonal biology."
DT Rebuttal - My "explicit" "seasonal biology" I is pure astrology they are dealing with and indeed it discredits what they call "real" science for the truth or the celestial tools of "Our Father Above." The conventional scientific community would rather die and will insist that Astrology and cold fusion doesn't exist and all astrologers and cold fusion researchers are frauds. Just as there is a solid scientific basis for LENR, there is a scientific basis for astrology, too but like 99.09 % of the world, this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and his two additional undergraduate students never dealt with a real star teacher like Dr. Turi.
The Universe is a powerful subtle living powerful organism and there is nothing to "believe" in astrology because it is NOT a religion but a lost science I am working so hard to reinstate through the art of Astropsychology. I wonder how those scientists would feel if I was "reading" their UCI, all I can tell you they would be more than baffled but what are the chances for them to even read this newsletter if you do not help me and post it all over Vanderbilt University website and let their students read about the Cosmic Code?
Well astrology got a bad name because of people like Mrs. Cleo or Sylvia Browne ridiculous television exhibitions - Read Dr. Turi VS. Sylvia Brown Dr. Turi May 23rd 2010 from
We are made of star stuff, says Carl Sagan: We are not only made of star stuff, we are influenced by that stuff, too. And finally, modern science is beginning to catch up to this greater truth that astrologers have known since the dawn of human existence on this planet.
All Is That And That Is All
When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the "Divine" a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God's highest celestial orders cloaked in the "Universal Code". The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it's all about a complex range of integration of all things at once".
Dr. Turi
Blessings to all Dr. Turi
TeleClass Title:Building Cosmic Consciousness
Time:10:00 PM ET (New York Time) (ET) New York Time
TeleClass Leader:Dr. Louis Turi
Tuition:No Cost
Check to add this TeleClass to your selected TeleClasses
Description:This TeleClass will be an actual training /coaching event where you will be introduced to the Cosmic Code secrets, the subconscious' creative forces and learn a simple model on how to perform private consultations on health, love, career and finances and how to promote yourself, get on radio, appear in television shows, magazines, newspapers, blogs, get paying clients etc. DON'T MISS IT!
"Change Your Life!" ATTENTION ALL READERS; I will be doing a teleclass on December 15th, 2010 7:00 PM (AZ time)
In any case if you are not interested in becoming an Astropsychologist the astonishing power coming from the Cosmic Code can be used for absolutely anything and everything you are curious or concerned with. Mostly because everything under the stars, including yourself, your wishes, your dreams are under the universal jurisdiction of the stars. Thus mastering the Cosmic Code above can offer you the crucial information about your true celestial options to build emotional, financial or spiritual stability. The Cosmic Code rules apply for ALL living things on earth and ALL affairs making up the human experience. Knowing how God designed you in dealing with money, love, career etc. including respecting the rules becomes a serious complement and a sure key to succeed in ALL your practical endeavors.
Or lets try this, why would you work for anyone and own little when you could use your UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity" and run your own show? You are "programmed by God himself to succeed in certain endeavors that will flourish ONLY if you know about it and most of all if you have faith and TRY to open the golden door. Why living a miserable, unfulfilled life when you CAN do and deserve better? After all I am a perfect example of success because I was much worse than you could ever be, when I first arrived in the US in 1984 totally destitute. I knew better than you do now reader and I want to offer you that rare wisdom so you at least give your best shot at the American Dream yourself.
Missing my upcoming Global Teleclass is indeed missing also your greatest opportunity to further not only your Cosmic Consciousness but your true option to upgrade your standards in life. What I have to teach you is simply priceless but one must ask in order to receive.While money do not replace love, happiness or health God created it for good reasons and your very attitude towards possessions, love, health and wealth may be the challenge you must overcome to succeed. Be there December 15th, I promise you won't regret it. I will also offer specific deals you do not want to miss... My sweet wife Terania will introduce me while I am in the process of asking my good friend famous actor Gary Busey to end the Global Teleclass with his personal endorsement. "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!" J.P. Morgan Remember to join us and become a VIP Cosmic Code reader just because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil... You can still subscribe for the current deal for only $99.00 and get both the "2011 VIP Cosmic Code" subscriptions, the new "2011 Moon Power" including the "2011 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs" - I am much too busy to write FREE newsletters like I used to do, in 2010 , thus if you are not a VIP just yet, it is time to join us in 2011 and gain the Golden Keys of what it means to be human by understanding and using God's signs through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Note to all my current VIP's - The 2010 VIP list will be automatically deleted on 01/01/2011 to be replaced by the new list of 2011 Cosmic Code subscribers.
Get the bundle, get all three while you can for only $99.00! ACT NOW!
Join us on the Phoenix Voyage -
"God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus Blessings to all Dr. Turi
1st choice; VIP live telephone consultation for $700 with an unlimited time limit. I can also do this on the phone but you are strongly advised to download skype, its fast and easy all you have to do is to spend $20 for a camera. You are absolutely forbidden to talk or ask any question at all during the session. Doing so would break down my channeling for your become a receiving recipient where an avalanche of information and predictions will come your way. Put it this way I have more answers for you than you have questions and that is a fact! There will not be a single area I will not talk about from your past lives to three or four years ahead of you. I also give very precise month and explain your natal and hidden dragon impact by house and sign. This means for a long period of time and without any interruption (only to breeze) I will pore ALL that you need to know into a tape. Material, books or other 90 mn audio tapes I judge necessary during the channeling for your well being and cleansing will be shipped the very next day to you. There is no time limit due to some cabalistic and subconscious teachings/cleansing and the ever so accurate amazing Astro-Tarot work performed.
2nd choice; I am offering you only 30 minutes on skype or on the phone doing the exact same thing but for $400 instead of $700, which is the regular price for a VIP conference. But at the end of the channeling session you can still ask as many questions as you want and I will elaborate on the subject for you. Its the time spent on channeling that is different, not the information but less time means also less information. I will also provide you with exact months to expect significant changes and perform the Nostradamus Astro-Tarot also and all material is mandatory with this service and will be shipped the next day. Questions about love, health and career will be answered to the best of my God given ability and I guarantee you with TOTAL satisfaction. 3rd choice - Taped Full Life Reading; Know all about your true mission and your fate in this world) 2-90MN audio tape and about 15 to 30 pages of printed materials, by mail only
Price: $300 plus $10 S&H order directly from
Chances are you will trust my spirit and blessings much more. Since my latest appearance on Coast To Coast we are experiencing tons of calls thus call Terania ASAP at 602-265-7667 to set your appointment ASAP and please be patient.
Tel- 602-265-7667
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Dr. Turi
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Your Future Is The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts
Dr. Turi12/13/2010 Dear reader; SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION READER! THANK YOU - DT Nominat...
13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. TuriLoading...13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. Turi to me
show details 13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dear reader;
Nominate Dr. Turi for a Yahoo! Contributor Award
I received this interesting email today from an pleased reader enunciating that our infantile science is slowly waking up to reality about astrology...A reality I was born to perceive, translate for the world and use in my entire life since the tender age of 7 years old. Thanks to my Gran ma in heaven who always told me to watch the moon if I ever needed to own a garden and my grandpa near her who explained to me why the tides were so high during a full moon when he took me fishing.
"Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology - Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionally provides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality."
As you know I mentioned so many times that the new younger generation is better equipped spiritually to "think out of the box" and explore the stars on a more spiritual values while trying hard not to upset the older scientific community hard core morons born with an inadequate UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. While the "new kids on the block" needs to keep their job within the "educated" science community, they cannot accept the fact to be less smart than million of perceptive practicing astrologers who never attended any of their accredited expansive schools and Universities. The fact is clear reader, anyone ever interested and used astrology is a million miles ahead and smarter than ALL scientists combined together because we did not have to waste precious tax dollars to recognize the obvious...
As you also know being a leader in this field and an Internet celebrity on the topic, many kids looking for the golden keys of what it means to be human have the possibility through my endless chain of newsletters to grasp a glimpse of the spirit, find some answers and if they work harder the undeniable proof of my predictions. Dr. Turi's good heart is also used in a way that many people (including students from all walks of life and scientists alike) picked up so much wisdom in the process and added the curiosity to their own repertoire... Here is another "prediction " for them, dedicated to today's news bringing more values to the Cosmic Code rules. By the way note also that Uranus rules astrology and shocking news and for the scientific community to actually admit the obvious is something quite extraordinary to me and both the quatrain and keywords used speaks my expertise to the T.uri. When I ask my reader to read between the lines, the underlined and the topics exposed should match and they always do...
Quatrain Sample for a (+) Uranic window
Entrails Upset Spit Above Red Fire Wind To Dance Stars Command Shock Science Calm Deception To Strike KEYWORDS USED to explain a (+) Uranic window
Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.
But if the scientific community (and those reading my work for years) need more proof that the "stars" regulates and affects everything happening on earth including the weather here is another tip...
Red Fire Wind To Dance?
A low pressure system, pushed by heavy winds, is creating hazardous conditions in parts of the Midwest, which has been blanketed by near-whiteout conditions since the storm began Friday.
But while I am in the "predictions" section I'd like to remind my reader and the scientists to read the following posted 01/01/2010 at
I see quite a lot of tornadoes; wind storms, sand storms, fire storms stopping traffic (check 2011 Moon power Supernova windows for most impact) and such a "wind" activity can only make the upcoming hurricane "season" a very busy one. Again do not expect the NWS or science at large to remotely understand the inner workings of the Cosmic Code or God' sign plaguing the world in the year 2011 until August 2012. Update: November 23rd, 2010: CNN - Midwest hit hard by extreme winds, flash floods Update: December 2nd, 2010: -- Shifting winds from the storm front that is moving through the eastern United States produced heavy snow has shut down Interstate 90 near Buffalo, New York, leaving motorists stranded for more than 12 hours as of Thursday morning, with more snow on the way.
Its a great honor Dr. Turi to offer you the Nobel Prize for your dedication to humanity...
But ultimately what I am trying to do today is to make sure the reader understand that "the new kids on the block" or the new spiritually inclined scientists cruise also the Internet 24/7 and while some steal music or videos for pleasure, others intellectually inclined souls have found in all the incalculable astrological material posted there, the answers that stimulated them to conduct a deeper research (and findings) of what astrology is all about. Thus because the system is set as such, the future scientific "nominee" will receive the Nobel Price he stole from the genius of people like me. Thus this "educated" scientist comes along and gets the honor and respect he stole from someone's lifetime arduous work. I doubt very much you will hear about Dr. Turi won a Nobel Prize in the near future; meantime my work is legit, solid, scientifically oriented and has helped millions of people during the course of my life. The only peace I have is that all I wrote is forever dated and printed on the Internet and my lifelong work will benefit more scientists / children of the future...
(NaturalNews) Mention the word "astrology" and skeptics go into an epileptic fit. The idea that someone's personality could be imprinted at birth according to the position of the sun, moon and planets has long been derided as "quackery" by the so-called "scientific" community which resists any notion based on holistic connections between individuals and the cosmos. According to the conventional view, your genes and your parenting determine your personality, and the position of planet Earth at the time of your birth has nothing to do with it.
DT Rebuttal: All I can suggest the reader to do is to go back in time and read some of my newsletters referring to "science and astrology" so you can truly appreciate the facts. I have to sound redundant again but the scientific community is totally oblivious of the word UCI and are themselves born with an unperceptive mental process. When I use the word inferior, the natural inborn mental pride of all scientists kicks in, thus by respect let's try another way. A natural born scientist is someone that inherited a strong dose of Saturn's earthy, logical, down to earth, critical, organized, mathematically oriented mind. Thus their UCI *Unique Celestial Identity can only rely on their five human rational earthy senses to deal with life in general. Saturn breeds astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers and all professional students that are well read and dwell only with what they can perceive reasonably. Their "wisdom" comes from accredited schools "Piling Higher and Deeper" and carry mental pride and think they know better than the common mortal because of their PhD's. But at the same time being so rational those people cannot auto analyze themselves or life around them otherwise, this does not mean they are stupid simply different. We need them to build gearboxes, solid bridges and do math period...To them I say read "Einstein And The E=MC 2 Theory" Date September 17th 2008 from
DNA Versus UCI
*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~Albert Einstein*
The mind is like a computer with a unique celestial program inherited at birth, it is all based upon all previous past lives information, work and karma. While we are all interconnected physically we are also total strangers to each others, including our very close family members. The physical connection between the mother and the child (or anyone of your family) is genetically proven using DNA. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; which is present in almost every cell in your body. DNA produces a genetic blueprint, unique to each individual (except identical twins), which determines your physical make up. You inherit your genetic DNA code from your parents. Thus you may even look like mom or dad!
Where science has failed to recognize the obvious I presents the scientific community with *UCI or (Unique Celestial Identity). This is a new concept involving the interaction of the Universal Mind with the human psyche. Indeed I am well ahead of time in my unique research and the scientific community does not yet understand these facts. However with this new discovery there is hope for a different type of mental exploration which will improve with the new crowd of new spiritually inclined scientists. A scientific soul *UCI is set naturally to be reluctant to explore the intangible or worse, inapt to penetrate the archetypal realm of consciousness or the intuitional domain of the Universal Mind. Such a young soul will never realize that the stars are not just mere rocks depraved of spiritual life. What cannot be seen or accepted just yet by the majority of scientists does not mean it does not exist...There is no school that can produce an Einstein or a Mozart. Like me and so many other people and geniuses out there, certain souls were born with a powerful intuitive UCI and a well-developed intuition.
This translates into a well developed natural objectivity where the soul does not miss the tree for the forest and possess tremendous artistic or/or musical imagination. This gift is often missing in the scientific community's limited perception that is confined to systematic approaches that neglect or rebuff the intuition. In the case of Einstein he inherited a dignified "Dragon" and benefited from both a well balanced "physical/spiritual" UCI. Thus while being extraordinary logical he was also unusually spiritual for a scientist. It is usually one or the other and he was blessed on both sides put it this way.
"there is a big difference between education and intelligence!"
"In this study, not only did the birth month impact personality; it also resulted in measurable functional changes in the brain."
Now I will explain in the best way I can my own conception of UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity." Again the mind is nothing more than a computer interacting with the outside stimuli provided by the stars (Universal Mind/Cosmic Code). Your very celestial program inherited at birth dictates all your strengths, weaknesses, fate, health and all that it means to be human and how you perceive you own reality. Because scientists can only relate to numbers to grasp anything let's use this example with some old computers.
There is a big difference between a "286, a 386 and a 486" computer programs yes? Let's start with the lowest of all or a 286, this is the feeble limited program reflecting the morons, the imbeciles, the idiots inherited at birth and please do not tell me you never landed on one of those souls in your life... The program is not advanced enough because they did not work hard enough in previous lives, committed suicide or fell victims of human endless wars at a very young age. The reasons are endless but the souls reincarnated with little gift or help because he did not stay long enough in school, in hell or on earth.
A "386" computer program is a bit faster, much smarter and this program would run at the speed the "young souls", skeptics, atheists, religious lunatics, scientists etc. can relate and process information with. These are in transitions, they are like young kids facing the ocean saying "Mom tons of water here but where are the fishes?" These souls have not yet reached a level of understanding or curiosity pass what they perceive as real facts, or what the books or their teachers told them to be true. Life very often forces them into situations to seek somewhere else for the answers they so desperately need to uncover.
We now have the"486" and this program runs more spiritually more efficiently and it is designed by God for the "advanced souls" that are compiling the 286/386 computerized programs together and benefit from a newer different more perceptive software version. These souls arrive on earth with an incredible imagination, many gifts and help those less advanced spiritually to grow at their level. Of course life and technology is in a constant process of changes, thus as the planets moves endlessly above, they will in time make more auspicious aspects and produce a new crowd of much more advanced human beings. These people will look at science today and laugh their head off...Pretty much like you would wonder how the cave men had to knock rocks for ever to start a fire when we use a lighter nowadays.
NASA Costly Ignorance - May 11th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2 - May 13th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3 May 14th 2009
Read all from
But the question is the "youngest soul" willing to do the mental gymnastics needed to raise his/her own Cosmic Consciousness when the simple act of clicking on a provided link to read my material could prove to be too demanding? Indeed some people have emailed me telling me my newsletters are too long lolol How in the hell can anyone expect to learn anything from me with a 286 computer mindset? Again my sarcasm is also constructive and will help you to realize what type of UCI if you have inherited and if you are a 286 a 486 or in between if I make sense at all. Again do not take my words personally after all I am only helping you to auto analyze yourself accurately and the truth never intended to please anyone.
I made also some references to DNA and UCI with NASA scientists specifically in a newsletter titled "The Stars And Fate Of Richard Charles Hoagland" published August 1st 2010 from and I strongly recommend the reader who missed it to go back and read it. Thus the point I am trying to make is quite clear, men are NOT born equal in mind, body and spirit. While our current growing scientific population fails to recognize the Cosmic Code's impact upon itself, future generations will easily acknowledge such fact.
Young souls display the worst of human behaviors such as; crime, jealousy, drug addiction lies and reflect a multitude of negative behavioral expressions. The older soul will display, love, intelligence, curiosity, compassion, practicality, spirituality and will become; as intended by his UCI, very successful (in his own field) in time.
Like DNA, the spiritual make up or UCI between a mother and her child (or anyone of your family members) is also unique, and will become easily understood to those willing to build cosmic consciousness through the study of Astropsychology. However, regardless of your efforts to help some young souls to perceive the facts, you may never get through. A limited UCI combined with an early upbringing either scientific or religious in nature will seriously alter the conception and perception of any UCI manifestation. Yes you can bring the horse to the water but you can't make him drink...
UCI is a sophisticated inner spiritual blueprint, Unique to each individual (including identical twins), which determines the souls' inner spiritual make up and true potential. You inherited your celestial code from a combination of the Universal Mind and your accumulated karma. All the collective experiences in one's life will lead the soul towards expressing the positive or negative manifestation of those stars in your housing system. To the erudite man, those stars are much more than dead rocks hanging up there for the sake of beauty. The fact is 99.9% of the general population does not possess cosmic consciousness and are indeed robots of the stars. They are unable to apply their will because they are ignorant to the ultimate celestial order above. The purpose is real and in time, science will come to acknowledge this fact. Thanks to all my faithful students, they are furthering the Age of Aquarius and helping me providing cosmic consciousness to the badly informed population.
Then again, conventional scientists don't believe the position of the moon has anything to do with life on Earth, either. They dismiss the wisdom that farmers have known for ages -- that planting seeds or transplanting living plants in harmony with the moon cycles results in higher crop yields. Even the seeds inside humans are strongly influenced by the moon, as menstruation cycles and moon cycles are closely synchronized (28 days, roughly). Anyone who read my book Moon Power long enough will no doubt of the power of our closest satellite upon earth and its impact in the human affairs.
Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology
Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionallyprovides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality.
DT Rebuttal - Again I am amazed that such an expansive research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University brought the answers I knew when I was only a kid!! Unintentionally, are you joking? Somewhere somehow someone stimulated the young scientists to honor the word science but they have to proceed slowly not to offend hard core UCI'S in charge of their education.
This study, conducted on mice, showed that mice born in the winter showed a "consistent slowing" of their daytime activity. They were also more susceptible to symptoms that we might call "Seasonal Affective Disorder."
DT Rebuttal - Here goes a new scientific term "Seasonal Affective Disorder" that translates into more money for the pharmaceutical industry and more future dysfunctions of the human brain.
The study was carried out by Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students, none of whom believe in astrology, apparently. They do, of course, believe in science, which is why all their study findings have been draped in the language of science even though the findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
DT Rebuttal - Are you telling me and all my astrologers' comrades we are more intelligent than Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students who never believed in astrology? Indeed we are because their findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
"What is particularly striking about our results is the fact that the imprinting affects both the animal's behavior and the cycling of the neurons in the master biological clock in their brains," said Ciarleglio. This is one of the core principles of astrology: That the position of the planets at the time of your birth (which might be called the "season" of your birth) can actually result in changes in your brain physiology which impact lifelong behavior.
DT Rebuttal - Damn why this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students don't take my course and finally own the key of what it means to be human and perceive the brain as it really is, a sophisticated fleshy computer responding to the Universal mind?
Once again, such an idea sounds preposterous to the scientifically trained, unless of course they discover it for themselves, at which point it's all suddenly very "scientific." Instead of calling it "astrology," they're now referring to it as "seasonal biology."
DT Rebuttal - My "explicit" "seasonal biology" I is pure astrology they are dealing with and indeed it discredits what they call "real" science for the truth or the celestial tools of "Our Father Above." The conventional scientific community would rather die and will insist that Astrology and cold fusion doesn't exist and all astrologers and cold fusion researchers are frauds. Just as there is a solid scientific basis for LENR, there is a scientific basis for astrology, too but like 99.09 % of the world, this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and his two additional undergraduate students never dealt with a real star teacher like Dr. Turi.
The Universe is a powerful subtle living powerful organism and there is nothing to "believe" in astrology because it is NOT a religion but a lost science I am working so hard to reinstate through the art of Astropsychology. I wonder how those scientists would feel if I was "reading" their UCI, all I can tell you they would be more than baffled but what are the chances for them to even read this newsletter if you do not help me and post it all over Vanderbilt University website and let their students read about the Cosmic Code?
Well astrology got a bad name because of people like Mrs. Cleo or Sylvia Browne ridiculous television exhibitions - Read Dr. Turi VS. Sylvia Brown Dr. Turi May 23rd 2010 from
We are made of star stuff, says Carl Sagan: We are not only made of star stuff, we are influenced by that stuff, too. And finally, modern science is beginning to catch up to this greater truth that astrologers have known since the dawn of human existence on this planet.
All Is That And That Is All
When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the "Divine" a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God's highest celestial orders cloaked in the "Universal Code". The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it's all about a complex range of integration of all things at once".
Dr. Turi
Blessings to all Dr. Turi
TeleClass Title:Building Cosmic Consciousness
Time:10:00 PM ET (New York Time) (ET) New York Time
TeleClass Leader:Dr. Louis Turi
Tuition:No Cost
Check to add this TeleClass to your selected TeleClasses
Description:This TeleClass will be an actual training /coaching event where you will be introduced to the Cosmic Code secrets, the subconscious' creative forces and learn a simple model on how to perform private consultations on health, love, career and finances and how to promote yourself, get on radio, appear in television shows, magazines, newspapers, blogs, get paying clients etc. DON'T MISS IT!
"Change Your Life!" ATTENTION ALL READERS; I will be doing a teleclass on December 15th, 2010 7:00 PM (AZ time)
In any case if you are not interested in becoming an Astropsychologist the astonishing power coming from the Cosmic Code can be used for absolutely anything and everything you are curious or concerned with. Mostly because everything under the stars, including yourself, your wishes, your dreams are under the universal jurisdiction of the stars. Thus mastering the Cosmic Code above can offer you the crucial information about your true celestial options to build emotional, financial or spiritual stability. The Cosmic Code rules apply for ALL living things on earth and ALL affairs making up the human experience. Knowing how God designed you in dealing with money, love, career etc. including respecting the rules becomes a serious complement and a sure key to succeed in ALL your practical endeavors.
Or lets try this, why would you work for anyone and own little when you could use your UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity" and run your own show? You are "programmed by God himself to succeed in certain endeavors that will flourish ONLY if you know about it and most of all if you have faith and TRY to open the golden door. Why living a miserable, unfulfilled life when you CAN do and deserve better? After all I am a perfect example of success because I was much worse than you could ever be, when I first arrived in the US in 1984 totally destitute. I knew better than you do now reader and I want to offer you that rare wisdom so you at least give your best shot at the American Dream yourself.
Missing my upcoming Global Teleclass is indeed missing also your greatest opportunity to further not only your Cosmic Consciousness but your true option to upgrade your standards in life. What I have to teach you is simply priceless but one must ask in order to receive.While money do not replace love, happiness or health God created it for good reasons and your very attitude towards possessions, love, health and wealth may be the challenge you must overcome to succeed. Be there December 15th, I promise you won't regret it. I will also offer specific deals you do not want to miss... My sweet wife Terania will introduce me while I am in the process of asking my good friend famous actor Gary Busey to end the Global Teleclass with his personal endorsement. "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!" J.P. Morgan Remember to join us and become a VIP Cosmic Code reader just because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil... You can still subscribe for the current deal for only $99.00 and get both the "2011 VIP Cosmic Code" subscriptions, the new "2011 Moon Power" including the "2011 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs" - I am much too busy to write FREE newsletters like I used to do, in 2010 , thus if you are not a VIP just yet, it is time to join us in 2011 and gain the Golden Keys of what it means to be human by understanding and using God's signs through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Note to all my current VIP's - The 2010 VIP list will be automatically deleted on 01/01/2011 to be replaced by the new list of 2011 Cosmic Code subscribers.
Get the bundle, get all three while you can for only $99.00! ACT NOW!
Join us on the Phoenix Voyage -
"God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus Blessings to all Dr. Turi
1st choice; VIP live telephone consultation for $700 with an unlimited time limit. I can also do this on the phone but you are strongly advised to download skype, its fast and easy all you have to do is to spend $20 for a camera. You are absolutely forbidden to talk or ask any question at all during the session. Doing so would break down my channeling for your become a receiving recipient where an avalanche of information and predictions will come your way. Put it this way I have more answers for you than you have questions and that is a fact! There will not be a single area I will not talk about from your past lives to three or four years ahead of you. I also give very precise month and explain your natal and hidden dragon impact by house and sign. This means for a long period of time and without any interruption (only to breeze) I will pore ALL that you need to know into a tape. Material, books or other 90 mn audio tapes I judge necessary during the channeling for your well being and cleansing will be shipped the very next day to you. There is no time limit due to some cabalistic and subconscious teachings/cleansing and the ever so accurate amazing Astro-Tarot work performed.
2nd choice; I am offering you only 30 minutes on skype or on the phone doing the exact same thing but for $400 instead of $700, which is the regular price for a VIP conference. But at the end of the channeling session you can still ask as many questions as you want and I will elaborate on the subject for you. Its the time spent on channeling that is different, not the information but less time means also less information. I will also provide you with exact months to expect significant changes and perform the Nostradamus Astro-Tarot also and all material is mandatory with this service and will be shipped the next day. Questions about love, health and career will be answered to the best of my God given ability and I guarantee you with TOTAL satisfaction. 3rd choice - Taped Full Life Reading; Know all about your true mission and your fate in this world) 2-90MN audio tape and about 15 to 30 pages of printed materials, by mail only
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Your Future Is The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts
Fun at the Australian War Memorial
Most folk visit the Australian War Memorial and don't have any strange experiences to speak of. Then there are others just like me. We pick up on the spirits that are there. I seem to be connected with the men from the Boer War and World War 1. No sooner do I set foot in the place, then it starts. Spirit just come up to me as if to say, hey want to buy a cheap watch.
I only go because my son loves the place. We do this visit 2 or 3 times a year, whether I like it or not.
As I was saying I get into the main entrance, and lo and behold a soldier appears in spirit. The spirits are Earth bound and troubled souls. I wish I could move them all on to the light. But the simple fact is you can't make them go if they aren't ready or don't want to go. It is a sad, gut wrenching feeling just being in the War Memorial for me.
I went with my husband and one of my sons about 2007. Both my husband and I had this overwhelming grief and hopelessness sweep over us. I felt like I was going to be sick. This was the soldiers collective pain and suffering. I have a very strong connection with WW 1 and always have. This was my last incarnation as I have had this confirmed via deep spiritual meditation, which I will talk about later on.
While we were both there I had a young soldier of 17 in spirit come up to me. he took my hand and wanted me to meet the other spirits. He was a happy sort of young man. I could feel him so strongly. It felt like he was looking for a mother figure. I felt so sorry for him and wanted to help him. I could hear him say to other spirits in an excited voice , "Hey.. she can hear and see us". I felt so useless as the place was full of visitors,
there was no way I would be able to communicate with them in a busy museum.
I noticed the spirits were sitting or standing in little groups talking to each other. It was like they flitted in between current time and WW 1. it is hard to explain in words.The other thing I noticed is the different war sections were divided into separate groups. As in the WW 1 guys didn't mix with the WW 2 troops etc. The reason being they are not in the same soul group. I don't pick up much from WW 2 for some reason either but I do in the Boer war, WW 1 and the modern stuff. The new section is a whole new story that I must tell .
Walking into the new area for current day events is also quite upsetting for me, Even staff members are picking up the vibes there. One lady inn particular tries to avoid the area as much as possible. When she has to go in there she bolts through it.
I have picked up on at least 3 spirits in that area, one of which is a woman. I found her the most upsetting. I can say that experience has been the worst feeling that I have had in there. So much so that I would avoid it, if I could.
Please be aware that there is no need to be afraid of these spirit beings. They cannot and will not harm you. All they are doing is trying to communicate with the living (Physical world beings). I personally have the utmost respect and compassion for these spirits. It is highly offensive to use spirits as a form of entertainment. So please have respect for these beings. They have the right to exist the same as we do.
The only difference between us is that we are living in a physical body. In the spirit world they don't need the physical body.
I won't go into all that technical information in this post. I shall write a post on that subject shortly.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
I only go because my son loves the place. We do this visit 2 or 3 times a year, whether I like it or not.
As I was saying I get into the main entrance, and lo and behold a soldier appears in spirit. The spirits are Earth bound and troubled souls. I wish I could move them all on to the light. But the simple fact is you can't make them go if they aren't ready or don't want to go. It is a sad, gut wrenching feeling just being in the War Memorial for me.
I went with my husband and one of my sons about 2007. Both my husband and I had this overwhelming grief and hopelessness sweep over us. I felt like I was going to be sick. This was the soldiers collective pain and suffering. I have a very strong connection with WW 1 and always have. This was my last incarnation as I have had this confirmed via deep spiritual meditation, which I will talk about later on.
While we were both there I had a young soldier of 17 in spirit come up to me. he took my hand and wanted me to meet the other spirits. He was a happy sort of young man. I could feel him so strongly. It felt like he was looking for a mother figure. I felt so sorry for him and wanted to help him. I could hear him say to other spirits in an excited voice , "Hey.. she can hear and see us". I felt so useless as the place was full of visitors,
there was no way I would be able to communicate with them in a busy museum.
I noticed the spirits were sitting or standing in little groups talking to each other. It was like they flitted in between current time and WW 1. it is hard to explain in words.The other thing I noticed is the different war sections were divided into separate groups. As in the WW 1 guys didn't mix with the WW 2 troops etc. The reason being they are not in the same soul group. I don't pick up much from WW 2 for some reason either but I do in the Boer war, WW 1 and the modern stuff. The new section is a whole new story that I must tell .
Walking into the new area for current day events is also quite upsetting for me, Even staff members are picking up the vibes there. One lady inn particular tries to avoid the area as much as possible. When she has to go in there she bolts through it.
I have picked up on at least 3 spirits in that area, one of which is a woman. I found her the most upsetting. I can say that experience has been the worst feeling that I have had in there. So much so that I would avoid it, if I could.
Please be aware that there is no need to be afraid of these spirit beings. They cannot and will not harm you. All they are doing is trying to communicate with the living (Physical world beings). I personally have the utmost respect and compassion for these spirits. It is highly offensive to use spirits as a form of entertainment. So please have respect for these beings. They have the right to exist the same as we do.
The only difference between us is that we are living in a physical body. In the spirit world they don't need the physical body.
I won't go into all that technical information in this post. I shall write a post on that subject shortly.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Sending a soul to the light
A few weeks ago I was in a second hand shop with my husband. He likes a good rummage, by the way. During his searching for something of interest, he found an old Vietnam war medic's bag. He held it up and called out to me, "Hey look what I found". I walked over to him with a disturbing movie playing in my head.
I told him the owner of the bag is still attached to it. To which he said, " Yes, I can feel something and I don't like it".
The poor soul was Earth bound and quite distressed. This man was only about 25 years old when he passed on. I started to see him standing in a field waving his arms frantically at a Helicopter as it was taking off. He was yelling "Don't leave me here guys". The feeling was sickening and very sad. I told him the others can't see him. I could see body bags being loaded on to the helicopter. I had to explain to him that his physical body was on the helicopter, but his spirit ( the part of him that is alive) is standing on the ground watching the helicopter take off. I had to explain that he isn't in his body any more.
I told him the date ( October 2010), and that the war has been over since 1975. I explained to him, he is in Canberra, Australia now. I told him that I can help him go to the light.
I must point out this is not the work that I normally do but I can do it. I have a moral obligation to assist souls that are trying to go to the light.
Any way on with the story, I couldn't do the clearance on the bag in the second hand shop. We bought the bag and took it home. I took the bag into the room that I work from. I sat the bag down on the table and called my guides. I lit a candle and some incense and said a prayer for this man.
I explained all that was happening to him, and what he should do, most of all he needs to keep an open mind to the fact that he has spirit guides too . They were there to help him go home, to the light (Spirit world).
When the spirit being wants to go home it is a quick process. It only took a few minutes. I asked all the wonderful spirit beings that were present to assist this young man, return home. I explained to him, also on his arrival he will need to have healing done to help him adjust to the spirit world dimensions. When a person dies from an injury they especially need holistic healing. The reason for this is to prevent the injury manifesting his next incarnation as a health problem in the area of the body that had been injured in the previous life.
All went well and when I handed the bag to my husband to see if he could feel anything , he said, no, he couldn't feel anything. So I handed it to my son and told him what had happened, and if he felt anything to let me know.
There are many souls wandering the world lost, some don't know that they are dead, some souls are Earth bound for a reason, such as to pass on a message to someone and won't go until they can pass on the message. There are many reasons for these souls being in this situation. A soul can't be forced to go to the light. It will only do so when it wants to. This is to do with the soul's free will.
I feel so sorry for that poor man being stuck in that state of suffering for all those years. It would have been a hellish form of Groundhog day. I wish him well on the other side.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
UPDATE ON THIS: I have been doing a lot of reading over the past 18 months. in regards to "the light". What made me research this was an article that I read in a magazine. It was saying is there such a thing as a "soul trap". Well I dismissed it for a while, but it started to nag at me.
What I have discovered is in fact a hell of a shock to me. I now have the moral issue of trying to inform people about my findings. Even other psychics and Clairvoyants will be divided on this matter. This is one of the reasons that I urge people to do some research, but also read the Wes Penre papers. They are free on line and can be downloaded as pdf files.
It is a real head spin for me. But now I am thinking what the hell am I to do. If I send a soul into the light, I am putting them back into the system, to be forced back down here to re incarnate instead of going out into the universe/multiverse to seek further spiritual growth, without their free will being manipulated by any tricksters or evil beings. I take my duty of care to people very seriously. I do not want to misinform or mislead any one.
I also worry about all our loved ones that are being pulled into the soul trap/the light. They can leave there at any time if they can find the way out. But and it is a big BUT! there will be loved ones trying to ask the soul or spirit to stay there. Also these entities that created the trap in the first place can shape shift and make the spirit think that they are their loved one begging them to stay. Free will must never be violated, that is why manipulation and downright lies are used. One must be wise to these tricks, but also ask the being, "Do you endorse the divine feminine. That should be a straight forward Yes/No answer. They cant try to rattle of a spiel of mumbo jumbo to confuse you at this point. There is the answer, in that case. If they have to bamboozle you, then you know right there and then it is a trap. Stand your ground and tell them to leave you alone. They must not interfere with a souls free will. It is against cosmic law. Now remember most souls do not know that they are being held in a trap. Their energy is being drained off to feed these evil beings that control humanity.
This has been going on for thousands of years. By the time the soul is allowed to leave this soul trap they are so drained of energy that most do not recover. Why are we never told this? Simple the people at the top of the food chain on this planet are involved in this too. Think about Satanic blood rituals and all that other weird stuff that goes on. Simple. I urge my readers to become better informed of spiritual matters. I shall try my best to get an article on this subject with links on my blog ASAP.
Light is nothing without unconditional love too, that is very important to remember. When you use spiritual protection please add unconditional love to the exercise too. That added protection is important too.
I told him the owner of the bag is still attached to it. To which he said, " Yes, I can feel something and I don't like it".
The poor soul was Earth bound and quite distressed. This man was only about 25 years old when he passed on. I started to see him standing in a field waving his arms frantically at a Helicopter as it was taking off. He was yelling "Don't leave me here guys". The feeling was sickening and very sad. I told him the others can't see him. I could see body bags being loaded on to the helicopter. I had to explain to him that his physical body was on the helicopter, but his spirit ( the part of him that is alive) is standing on the ground watching the helicopter take off. I had to explain that he isn't in his body any more.
I told him the date ( October 2010), and that the war has been over since 1975. I explained to him, he is in Canberra, Australia now. I told him that I can help him go to the light.
I must point out this is not the work that I normally do but I can do it. I have a moral obligation to assist souls that are trying to go to the light.
Any way on with the story, I couldn't do the clearance on the bag in the second hand shop. We bought the bag and took it home. I took the bag into the room that I work from. I sat the bag down on the table and called my guides. I lit a candle and some incense and said a prayer for this man.
I explained all that was happening to him, and what he should do, most of all he needs to keep an open mind to the fact that he has spirit guides too . They were there to help him go home, to the light (Spirit world).
When the spirit being wants to go home it is a quick process. It only took a few minutes. I asked all the wonderful spirit beings that were present to assist this young man, return home. I explained to him, also on his arrival he will need to have healing done to help him adjust to the spirit world dimensions. When a person dies from an injury they especially need holistic healing. The reason for this is to prevent the injury manifesting his next incarnation as a health problem in the area of the body that had been injured in the previous life.
All went well and when I handed the bag to my husband to see if he could feel anything , he said, no, he couldn't feel anything. So I handed it to my son and told him what had happened, and if he felt anything to let me know.
There are many souls wandering the world lost, some don't know that they are dead, some souls are Earth bound for a reason, such as to pass on a message to someone and won't go until they can pass on the message. There are many reasons for these souls being in this situation. A soul can't be forced to go to the light. It will only do so when it wants to. This is to do with the soul's free will.
I feel so sorry for that poor man being stuck in that state of suffering for all those years. It would have been a hellish form of Groundhog day. I wish him well on the other side.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
UPDATE ON THIS: I have been doing a lot of reading over the past 18 months. in regards to "the light". What made me research this was an article that I read in a magazine. It was saying is there such a thing as a "soul trap". Well I dismissed it for a while, but it started to nag at me.
What I have discovered is in fact a hell of a shock to me. I now have the moral issue of trying to inform people about my findings. Even other psychics and Clairvoyants will be divided on this matter. This is one of the reasons that I urge people to do some research, but also read the Wes Penre papers. They are free on line and can be downloaded as pdf files.
It is a real head spin for me. But now I am thinking what the hell am I to do. If I send a soul into the light, I am putting them back into the system, to be forced back down here to re incarnate instead of going out into the universe/multiverse to seek further spiritual growth, without their free will being manipulated by any tricksters or evil beings. I take my duty of care to people very seriously. I do not want to misinform or mislead any one.
I also worry about all our loved ones that are being pulled into the soul trap/the light. They can leave there at any time if they can find the way out. But and it is a big BUT! there will be loved ones trying to ask the soul or spirit to stay there. Also these entities that created the trap in the first place can shape shift and make the spirit think that they are their loved one begging them to stay. Free will must never be violated, that is why manipulation and downright lies are used. One must be wise to these tricks, but also ask the being, "Do you endorse the divine feminine. That should be a straight forward Yes/No answer. They cant try to rattle of a spiel of mumbo jumbo to confuse you at this point. There is the answer, in that case. If they have to bamboozle you, then you know right there and then it is a trap. Stand your ground and tell them to leave you alone. They must not interfere with a souls free will. It is against cosmic law. Now remember most souls do not know that they are being held in a trap. Their energy is being drained off to feed these evil beings that control humanity.
This has been going on for thousands of years. By the time the soul is allowed to leave this soul trap they are so drained of energy that most do not recover. Why are we never told this? Simple the people at the top of the food chain on this planet are involved in this too. Think about Satanic blood rituals and all that other weird stuff that goes on. Simple. I urge my readers to become better informed of spiritual matters. I shall try my best to get an article on this subject with links on my blog ASAP.
Light is nothing without unconditional love too, that is very important to remember. When you use spiritual protection please add unconditional love to the exercise too. That added protection is important too.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Recommended reading for Tarot lovers
For those people out there that love Tarot cards, there are many excellent books worth reading.
There are as most of you will know, many hidden symbols and mystical meanings in the Tarot cards. The most intriguing deck are the Rider Waite Smith, this is the basis of all modern decks, and a must for those that wish to delve deeper into the cards. Psychology plays a major part also. I would recommend getting hold of "Man and his symbols" by Carl J Jung for the psychology side of the tarot. Books by Mary Greer and Rachel Pollack are very good.
Look for books about the history of Tarot and the mythology behind Tarot. The more you delve into the subject the more addictive it becomes. The colours that are used in Tarot cards are as important as the images themselves. As are the numbers of each card. There is a spiritual vibration attached to each card also.
To a non-psychic person the reading the cards the interpretation of the cards is somewhat different but by no means less effective. It all depends on the purpose for the reading the cards what sort of result or reading you get. If the enquirer is after an answer to a question like "Will I get the job that I want?" the results are pretty easy to answer. However if the enquirer asks a deep and meaningful question about a situation in their personal life then, this is where a psychic person can see all sorts of issues going on.
When I am doing a reading there are times when it can be quite funny. Odd quirky little things can come up. I tend to say to my client , I am seeing such and such and the client roars with laughter and say , "Oh my God how did you know that or see that?". It sure makes for a memorable time for both the client and myself.
So as you can see there are many things that can be done with these wonderful little cards. Many people own several decks of cards as there are so many beautiful Tarot decks around. I have a few, but I only use about 2 decks with my clients.
I have one deck in particular that has shadows and all sorts of wonderful little things that trigger my psychic abilities. The deck is called the Mystic Dreamer's tarot by Barbara Moore. I just love these cards so much. They have a nice feminine feel to them. The colours just speak to me they also match the Aquarian deck which are my standard reading deck.
Choosing a deck of tarot cards is a special experience. They seem to call out to you when you browse the cards in a book shop or metaphysical shop. Let your instincts guide you to the correct deck or decks for you.
Copyright by Alex Fulford
There are as most of you will know, many hidden symbols and mystical meanings in the Tarot cards. The most intriguing deck are the Rider Waite Smith, this is the basis of all modern decks, and a must for those that wish to delve deeper into the cards. Psychology plays a major part also. I would recommend getting hold of "Man and his symbols" by Carl J Jung for the psychology side of the tarot. Books by Mary Greer and Rachel Pollack are very good.
Look for books about the history of Tarot and the mythology behind Tarot. The more you delve into the subject the more addictive it becomes. The colours that are used in Tarot cards are as important as the images themselves. As are the numbers of each card. There is a spiritual vibration attached to each card also.
To a non-psychic person the reading the cards the interpretation of the cards is somewhat different but by no means less effective. It all depends on the purpose for the reading the cards what sort of result or reading you get. If the enquirer is after an answer to a question like "Will I get the job that I want?" the results are pretty easy to answer. However if the enquirer asks a deep and meaningful question about a situation in their personal life then, this is where a psychic person can see all sorts of issues going on.
When I am doing a reading there are times when it can be quite funny. Odd quirky little things can come up. I tend to say to my client , I am seeing such and such and the client roars with laughter and say , "Oh my God how did you know that or see that?". It sure makes for a memorable time for both the client and myself.
So as you can see there are many things that can be done with these wonderful little cards. Many people own several decks of cards as there are so many beautiful Tarot decks around. I have a few, but I only use about 2 decks with my clients.
Choosing a deck of tarot cards is a special experience. They seem to call out to you when you browse the cards in a book shop or metaphysical shop. Let your instincts guide you to the correct deck or decks for you.
Copyright by Alex Fulford
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Love my gardening
Now with the onset of summer, I am thrilled to bits to be back out spending time in my garden. This is the place that I am the happiest. I just love to be close to nature. I am so grateful to have this deep love for nature and gardening in general. Pottering around plants, propagating things, just getting a kick out of watching something grow.
This year the garden is lush and green. We have come out of a long drought with a happy smile. Everything looks so good. Luckily i only planted things that can take the heat and drought.
Roses, Agapanthus, many types of Lavender, Erigeron daisies. Felicia, Hellebore's, Pelargoniums, Abutilon's, Choisia's, Azalea's and many more.
Once one gets the gardening bug that's it. A wonderful new life opens up. All of my shrubs are ever-green .
My trees are mostly deciduous , except for a couple. The reason for this decision is, that during winter the garden can look stark and bear. So I opted for shrubs that are around the perimeter of the garden to be evergreen. To help with the look of the garden all year round. Trees make a great shade over the hot summer. Which in a Canberra summer is a must. When winter arrives we need the sunlight. I then get a good supply of natural mulch. Yay!
I wanted to create an old world, rambling garden. It has been an evolution over many years. So now it is taking shape just beautifully. Trial and error along the way. The garden has the most tranquil feel to it and people just enjoy being in my garden. That is always a good sign, isn't it. Hubby is quite glad to let me take over the gardening. It isn't his thing anyway. Lucky for me. The birds and Possum's visit all the time, thankfully nothing has been destroyed by the Possums.
I wish that I had a couple of acres of semi woodland surrounding my house. That would be heaven to me. It is a big job keeping a garden up to speed, eradicating the weeds. Weeds are my pet hate so many have sprung up over the past 3 weeks thanks to all the rain that we have had. Here is hoping that I get it all back to normal before Christmas. I sure know how to make work for myself, between clients, 5 pets, the family and gardening. Life is always busy for me. Just as well I might get up to mischief, lol.
This year the garden is lush and green. We have come out of a long drought with a happy smile. Everything looks so good. Luckily i only planted things that can take the heat and drought.
Roses, Agapanthus, many types of Lavender, Erigeron daisies. Felicia, Hellebore's, Pelargoniums, Abutilon's, Choisia's, Azalea's and many more.
Once one gets the gardening bug that's it. A wonderful new life opens up. All of my shrubs are ever-green .
My trees are mostly deciduous , except for a couple. The reason for this decision is, that during winter the garden can look stark and bear. So I opted for shrubs that are around the perimeter of the garden to be evergreen. To help with the look of the garden all year round. Trees make a great shade over the hot summer. Which in a Canberra summer is a must. When winter arrives we need the sunlight. I then get a good supply of natural mulch. Yay!
I wanted to create an old world, rambling garden. It has been an evolution over many years. So now it is taking shape just beautifully. Trial and error along the way. The garden has the most tranquil feel to it and people just enjoy being in my garden. That is always a good sign, isn't it. Hubby is quite glad to let me take over the gardening. It isn't his thing anyway. Lucky for me. The birds and Possum's visit all the time, thankfully nothing has been destroyed by the Possums.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
This is Sparky my baby dog and Velvet Boy
Educated people avoiding immunisations for children
Gee I wondered just how long it would take people to work this one out, lol.
Gee I wondered just how long it would take people to work this one out, lol.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Well folks It's not long to go now. Have you started Christmas shopping yet? I have all my Christmas cards written out and ready to post. I have started the Christmas shopping. The kids are older now so no big panic to buy toys these days. I love Christmas, it brings out the big kid in me. This year though, I am going to keep it simple. I am so over buying things that people may not want or need, A return to simple values at Christmas is well over due. The most important thing at this time of year to me is, being with loved ones and sharing a meal with them. It does not have to be relations, just people that matter to us.
Many people today cannot afford to have Christmas. It is like a return to pre WW2 on a financial level. Why is it that at Christmas, people start to behave themselves, but go right back to their usual behaviour when Christmas is over. It says something about us doesn't it? Just like spoilt children.
This Christmas we could just keep it simple and just give small gifts to each other. Some people just cannot give expensive gifts as their money is needed to pay bills and feed themselves. The Banks and Retailers are just wanting to get their hands on our hard earned money. Do not fall into the credit card trap, it is going to cause serious problems in the weeks after Christmas. Be sensible and discuss with your loved ones the cost of all this nonsense. Gift vouchers are a good option, especially for young people.
A gift of a home made Christmas Hamper, with quality treats works out cheaper than buying one already made up. I find store bought ones are not value for money, often with things that some people don't eat. Knowing a persons likes and dislikes makes for better value. I make hampers up for older relatives quite often and they love them.
The things that I put into the hampers are usually, Twining's tea bags (10 pack) of 2 different flavours, Shortbread, some Christmas cake (store bought), Nuts and nibbles. Maybe a bottle of wine and a lovely candle. For people that are house bound you might want to put in a couple of magazines. The list is endless. It is knowing what the person likes and things that they don't normally buy for themselves.
Even hand creams, moisturisers, luxury soaps etc, are good for women. These things don't break the bank and won't leave you broke, paying off the credit card for the rest of the year. Keep Christmas dinner simple too, You don't have to eat until you are feeling sick. Don't buy too much junk food either. buy fruit and some nuts, The fruit markets are cheaper than supermarkets for fruit and veg. It is also a good idea to put money aside each week or each month to put towards Christmas. Try and spend under $1000. Don't fall for all the advertising and marketing hype. These Retailers do not care about you and your family having no money. All they want is to make a big fat profit. Stay right away from credit cards as much as you can.
Just think back 40 years and beyond. How did other people manage. Simple the managed their money better. Of course they didn't have food and consumer goods that cost the Earth. Women knew how to make do and mend. Today we can't do that due to the cost of fabric being so high and cheap clothes that cannot be repaired. Everything is made in China in sweat shops owned by western businesses people.
It all boils down to being strong enough to stick to a strict budget not just at Christmas, but all year round. If you can't buy it with cash stay away from it. We are all getting too greedy and want way too much. This is something that will come to a crashing halt. The market is not going to hold up much longer. We are coming to the end of a time where mass consumerism was forced on to us, we are being pushed back into a time of poverty and living simpler. This is going to last for many years, so get used to it. Stop wasting money on things that you don't need. Wanting is not the same a needing . Learn the difference between a luxury and a necessity. Perfume is a luxury item as is jewellery, make up, designer name items such as clothes, handbags and shoes. You are making these people obscenely richer than they deserve. The rest of us have debt, and misery. We truly are creatures of our own making. No one forces us to be greedy, it is a negative quality that we can all be guilty of to some extent.
We do need a lesson on being humble and grateful for what we have. Spare a thought for the homeless and the poor when you do your Christmas shopping. What will they have this Christmas?
Please be sensible and buy responsibly. Even the domestic animals are suffering at this time of year. Some are neglected, unloved and unwanted. They have no voice, they can't say I am hungry, I am thirsty or I don't feel well. Many pets become homeless at this time of year more than at any other time of year.
I am so glad to know that my hairy children will be safe, well fed and well loved. We take good care of our little ones every day of their lives. They have more love and shelter than some humans do.
Please spare a thought for those that are alone at Christmas also. This is a time of year for suicide and depression. Many people are so lonely and sad at this time of year. Check on people that you know are alone and make sure that they are all right. I myself, when I was a child have experienced the sadness of being away from my extended family in a new country. I missed them terribly, it was beyond my control as I was a child. Christmas was never the same for me after that. I am a family person at heart. It was hard on my parents too I musty admit. We did return to Scotland a few times over the years and I did have Christmas and other good times with my relatives. I have many fond memories of a Cold Scottish Christmas as well as hot Australian Christmases.
I am most grateful to have a family of my own now. I appreciate the value of family and friends, I enjoy good company all the time, but especially at Christmas. It is a basic human right to be loved, to have food to eat and a safe roof over our heads and to have good health. But for some of us it seems to me, that we still have very little time or love for each other, not to mention our very loving and trusting hairy or furry companions on this Earth.
Here is hoping that all of us have a wonderful Christmas for 2010. Lets release the big kid in ourselves and share the magic and the love in our hearts.
Interesting News from the Past
This is an interesting article. Must read for those of us that care about our fellow Human beings. There are so many people out there trying hard to waken up the people of this world. Just think of all those Dentists out there shoving this down our throats. By the way are any of you aware that symptoms of Alzheimer's are showing up in people in their 40's now. Research this on the net if you wish.
We are living in enlightened times, I do believe that good will come out of all that is happening in our world.
it is all a matter of time. People must hold positive thoughts and feelings in their hearts, minds and soul's to make this world a better place.
This is an interesting article. Must read for those of us that care about our fellow Human beings. There are so many people out there trying hard to waken up the people of this world. Just think of all those Dentists out there shoving this down our throats. By the way are any of you aware that symptoms of Alzheimer's are showing up in people in their 40's now. Research this on the net if you wish.
We are living in enlightened times, I do believe that good will come out of all that is happening in our world.
it is all a matter of time. People must hold positive thoughts and feelings in their hearts, minds and soul's to make this world a better place.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
I used to love Halloween as a kid in Scotland. We do it different to the Americans. For those that don't know by the way, Halloween did not start off in America. It originated in the Celtic culture, but no one knows how far back it started.
Anyway as I was saying, in Scotland the children come around the doors after dark dressed up in their costumes. They carry a bag or sack to hold their goodies in, but instead of saying "Trick or Treat", in my day they used to recite a rhyme. Which ran thus, The sky is blue, the grass is green, please give me my Halloween. Some children just said, Happy Halloween or such like. The person at the house would then invite the children indoors. The children then entertained the people in the house with a song, a joke, poetry , or what ever they wanted to show the household. The children were then given their treats.
Back in those days you would expect to be given an apple, some nuts in their shells (like peanuts), some little sweets, some sultanas and an orange. This was always quite a happy occasion for the children. They never were ungrateful or out to be mean and nasty to people that didn't participate in the event.
This also marks the start of our winter season in Scotland and Ireland.
I can recall being at Primary school and making Halloween craft items to hang up in the class and craft items to take home to show my parents. This was an exciting time of year for children. A few days later on the 5th of November was Guy Fawkes night. We children would be hoping that it wouldn't rain on the night so that we could see the fireworks.
For a week or two prior to Guy Fawkes night, young boys would be busy making a "Guy" effigy to burn on the big night. They would wheel the Guy around in a wheel barrow through the streets and shout "penny for the Guy". If they were lucky the local folk would give them some loose change to save for fireworks for the big night.
The atmosphere at this time of year is one of excitement and mystery. I have many fond memories of these days. Old traditions that I hold dear to this day. The other thing that made this event fun was the cold dark afternoons and nights. The ice on the footpaths and fog depending on the weather over the week. Most deffinatley after the 5th of November the weather began to get even colder. which brings more ice and then the snow.Not fun for adults but it sure is for kids.
Our Celtic culture is still strong to this day and we still pass on stories word of mouth to each generation in turn. Even when we have moved overseas there is still a part of us Celts that we bring with us to new lands.
It is all part of lifes rich tapestry my friends. We all love to hear stories of years gone by but how many of us stop to think where did it all start.
The link that I have added here may help to shed some light on that. I hope that you all find this interesting and entertaining.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
I used to love Halloween as a kid in Scotland. We do it different to the Americans. For those that don't know by the way, Halloween did not start off in America. It originated in the Celtic culture, but no one knows how far back it started.
Anyway as I was saying, in Scotland the children come around the doors after dark dressed up in their costumes. They carry a bag or sack to hold their goodies in, but instead of saying "Trick or Treat", in my day they used to recite a rhyme. Which ran thus, The sky is blue, the grass is green, please give me my Halloween. Some children just said, Happy Halloween or such like. The person at the house would then invite the children indoors. The children then entertained the people in the house with a song, a joke, poetry , or what ever they wanted to show the household. The children were then given their treats.
Back in those days you would expect to be given an apple, some nuts in their shells (like peanuts), some little sweets, some sultanas and an orange. This was always quite a happy occasion for the children. They never were ungrateful or out to be mean and nasty to people that didn't participate in the event.
This also marks the start of our winter season in Scotland and Ireland.
I can recall being at Primary school and making Halloween craft items to hang up in the class and craft items to take home to show my parents. This was an exciting time of year for children. A few days later on the 5th of November was Guy Fawkes night. We children would be hoping that it wouldn't rain on the night so that we could see the fireworks.
For a week or two prior to Guy Fawkes night, young boys would be busy making a "Guy" effigy to burn on the big night. They would wheel the Guy around in a wheel barrow through the streets and shout "penny for the Guy". If they were lucky the local folk would give them some loose change to save for fireworks for the big night.
The atmosphere at this time of year is one of excitement and mystery. I have many fond memories of these days. Old traditions that I hold dear to this day. The other thing that made this event fun was the cold dark afternoons and nights. The ice on the footpaths and fog depending on the weather over the week. Most deffinatley after the 5th of November the weather began to get even colder. which brings more ice and then the snow.Not fun for adults but it sure is for kids.
Our Celtic culture is still strong to this day and we still pass on stories word of mouth to each generation in turn. Even when we have moved overseas there is still a part of us Celts that we bring with us to new lands.
It is all part of lifes rich tapestry my friends. We all love to hear stories of years gone by but how many of us stop to think where did it all start.
The link that I have added here may help to shed some light on that. I hope that you all find this interesting and entertaining.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Astrology Info
This is a list of useful books & CD-ROM for those who wish to study Astrology.
These are recommended by my friend Prof David Christensen PhD, Astrologer
Dr Liz Green Horoscope in manifestation psychology & prediction
ISBN 9781900869164 $37
Useful for knowledge of Jungian psychology
The only way to do Astrology series 1-5
By Marion March & Joan McEvers
ISBN 9780935127614 $28.99
Robert Hand
Horoscope Symbols $46
Planets & Symbols $38
Planets in Transit $58
These books are good for the technical knowledge
CD ROM Solar-Fire Verse 4 & 5
Astrology software $400 to $500 each
These come with research programme, printout of Charts etc. designed by Stephanie Johnson
Useful Stuff; my little hand out to clients
This is what I handout to clients that visit me for a reading.
Incense sticks to use in cleansing and protecting: Dragons blood, Sandalwood, White Sage, Nag or a White Sage smudging stick. You can buy these in Health Food shops, New Age shops, The Hierophant at Griffith shops(Barker St Griffith) Even E-Bay. Remember that it is the intention behind what you are doing that makes it powerful. It must always be done for the higher good and with unconditional love.
For Crystals all you really need is Clear Quarts, Rose Quarts and Amethyst as your basics.
A good shop for these crystals is The Hierophant at Griffith shops, or The mystic Crystal at Gold Creek shops. As far as I know there aren’t any other place in Canberra to buy Crystals. The Gem show at
Exhibition Park is the other option, you need to keep an eye out for the next Gem show.
If you read the Tarot cards a Clear Quarts Crystal wand is good to cleanse the cards with after doing a reading. You may also be attracted to other Crystals for other reasons too. It is said that the Crystal chooses us. Remember to cleanse your Crystals regularly to get rid of bad energy that is stored on them.
Remember to Gold-light the room that you work in daily to cleanse the energy. You don’t want to have a build up of bad energy. You should also ground and attune yourself and Gold light yourself too.
There are many books out on the market, basically to make money. You don't really need them. There is plenty info on the internet to learn from. The best advice one can get comes from within your own heart. You do not need a middle man. The only spirit beings one should communicate with are loved ones only. They are connected to you via your soul group. stay right away from so called ascended masters etc. They are not who you think they are. If you read the Wes Penre web site or read up on the Gnostics it is self explanatory.
For those interested in Astrology I recommend Linda Goodman books and; Suzanne White ( see the attached sheet on studying Astrology too. I would say if you are serious about this study, then you need to get in touch with Dr Louis Turi.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to look after your body. Your chakras are your energy centres in the body. I urge you to read up on them and have someone reputable check yours for you, if you are unsure how to do it yourself. There is no quick fix solution with this, but keeping them in tune prevents illness. We must all learn how to avoid creating the imbalances that occur in our bodies energy field.
That is easier said than done, but it all starts with the way we all think that creates the illness or imbalance in our bodies.
Barbra Ann Brenan is a Scientist, turned healer. She used to work for NASA many years ago, now
She is a healer with many books to her credit. Get to know her on her website too.
A good book worth buying if you wish to learn about your Chakra’s is ,The complete idiots guide to the Chakras by Betsy Rippentrop and; Eve Adamson ISBN: 97815 92578986 $26.95.
Please check my blog from time to time. I try to put new stuff on it when I can. Having a busy home life though, I don’t always get to do what I would like to do on my blog.
PS: Lately I just have been so busy, that I have not had time to re print this 6 page handout ,so I have put it on my blog for people to sift thorough and print off if they wish.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
How to Gold Light a room
Say the following in your mind.
I am drawing down pure golden light from the Universe/Cosmos, down into this room.
I am flooding this room with pure golden light, from floor to ceiling, wall to wall.
I am now removing all dis-ease and negativity from this room. I am sending it with love
out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.
I am now drawing down more pure golden light from the Universe to replace all the
dis-ease and negativity that was in this room.
I am now placing a big protective bubble around this room . This bubble will hold in all
the pure golden light. This bubble will also allow more pure golden light from the universe to entre
this room. This bubble will repel all dis-ease and negativity lovingly back out into the
Universe to be turned into pure golden light.
Any dis-ease or negativity that is still in the room can now leave the room, guided by love
out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.
This room is now sealed and protected by the light.
By my will so may it be may it be.
Peace Love and Light
How to Ground and Attune Yourself
First sit quietly in a chair, with your back straight.
Close your eyes & empty your mind of all the goings on of the day.
Rest your hands on your lap, palms facing up the way.
This is the standard position to receive Spirit.
Now the next step is take 3 deep breaths in & out.
Next , visualize a little mini version of yourself sitting in the Lotus
Position inside your head & facing the front.
Say the following words in your mind.
Little mini –me sitting in the Central position inside my head & sitting in the
Lotus position facing the front. I am now moving my mini- me down the glass straw
(meridian core) inside my head down into the Head Chakra, from the Head Chakra,
I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw down into the Throat Chakra.
From the Throat Chakra I am moving my mini-me down the glass straw to the Heart Chakra.
From the Heart Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw, down into the
Solar Chakra, from the Solar Chakra I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw to
The Sacral Chakra. From the Sacral Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass
Straw to the Bass Chakra. From the Base Chakra I am moving my mini-me all the way down
The glass straw between my legs down to the Star Chakra, between my ankles. From the Star Chakra
I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw deep into the Earth Chakra 30cm beneath my feet.
I am now drawing up into my mini-me, rainbow coloured, sparkly, Earth energy. Lots of Earth energy
Drawn up into my mini-me. I am now bringing my little mini-me back up the glass straw. All the way
Up into the Star Chakra between my ankles, & pausing for a moment. I am now moving my mini-me
All the way up the glass straw between my legs up to the Base Chakra, pausing for a moment.
I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Sacral Chakra, pausing for a moment.
I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw again up to the Solar Chakra, pausing for a moment.
I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw up to the Heart Chakra, pausing for a moment.
I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Throat Chakra, pausing for a moment.
I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the head Chakra, pausing for a moment.
From the head Chakra I am moving my mini-me up through the central position & out through
The top of my head, cascading this rainbow coloured, sparkly Earth energy down and around my entire
Body & Aura. From head to toe, & in full circumference of my entire body & Aura.
(pause here a moment)
I am now drawing my mini-me back inside my head to the central position, & dissolving it. I am
Now grounded & attuned.
So may it be, Amen.
The more you do this grounding the better you will get at remembering it. Please remember it is
The intention behind what you are saying & doing that makes this powerful.
Have you ever wondered about Religious pictures, with the person holding their hands out
& their palms facing up. This is how you receive spirit. The left hand works like
an antenna to receive, the right hand is to give. We are all connected to each other & to God.
This cannot be broken ever. As we are all part of the Devine Spirit.
The power of prayer is very strong & should never be under estimated. Please remember
The Law of Cause & Effect also. It is very powerful also, with a 3 fold effect. Three is an important
number spiritually, as in the Trinity but it goes much deeper than that.
Do some work on the internet, keep an open mind & don’t accept everything at face value.
If not sure about something check out other sources until satisfied.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Change of colours going on
Hi Folks please be patient with the constant change of colours going on. I had a bit of a slip of the keys accident and am trying to put my colours and layout back to normal. I just can't remember how to do it, lol.
At the same time I am painting my bathroom and doing a million and one other things.
Thank you for understanding. I am technology challenged, lol.
At the same time I am painting my bathroom and doing a million and one other things.
Thank you for understanding. I am technology challenged, lol.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Friday, 10 September 2010
September is going fast
Here we are in the second week of September already. Where has all the time gone. I have been head down bum up for the past few weeks, but don't seem to be getting anywhere. I expect everyone is feeling the same.
Soon it will be time for the silly season. I usually start my Christmas shopping at the end of October. Suddenly I feel that there isn't much time left. Back on that tread mill of preparing for that one day of the year. Utter madness, but every year we do the same old routine. I love Christmas, but I just can't take all the stress of shopping for gifts that people don't really need or want. It would be nice if we kept it all simple and just enjoy the good company and share a nice meal. Life is never that simple though is it.
Any way, at least there is advanced warning, starting with the warm weather returning. Getting out of doors and spending time in the garden, or just getting out in the sunshine. Spring always makes me happy. I feel alive and bursting with energy. I already have the garden whipped into shape. No weed is safe in my yard.
As soon as I spot one I am on to it with a garden fork plucking it out. Not exactly Don Burke, but I do love my garden.
I hope all my readers enjoy the spring when it finally arrives. True Spring doesn't start until the Spring Equinox on 23rd of September. Then we can enjoy the delights of the season.
Don't forget Floriade 2010, This years theme is "Imagination" Opening on Sat 11th Sept and closing on Sunday 10th October. Check them out on Facebook too. I can't wait to go there. I love watching the people out enjoying themselves with smiles on their faces.
Soon it will be time for the silly season. I usually start my Christmas shopping at the end of October. Suddenly I feel that there isn't much time left. Back on that tread mill of preparing for that one day of the year. Utter madness, but every year we do the same old routine. I love Christmas, but I just can't take all the stress of shopping for gifts that people don't really need or want. It would be nice if we kept it all simple and just enjoy the good company and share a nice meal. Life is never that simple though is it.
Any way, at least there is advanced warning, starting with the warm weather returning. Getting out of doors and spending time in the garden, or just getting out in the sunshine. Spring always makes me happy. I feel alive and bursting with energy. I already have the garden whipped into shape. No weed is safe in my yard.
As soon as I spot one I am on to it with a garden fork plucking it out. Not exactly Don Burke, but I do love my garden.
I hope all my readers enjoy the spring when it finally arrives. True Spring doesn't start until the Spring Equinox on 23rd of September. Then we can enjoy the delights of the season.
Don't forget Floriade 2010, This years theme is "Imagination" Opening on Sat 11th Sept and closing on Sunday 10th October. Check them out on Facebook too. I can't wait to go there. I love watching the people out enjoying themselves with smiles on their faces.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Friday, 27 August 2010
History of Fluoride
More proof that Fluoride is dangerous. Take the time to read the history behind this dental nightmare.
it is only a matter of time before is will be removed from all our water.
it is only a matter of time before is will be removed from all our water.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Trust is a gift, not just any gift it is a special gift, given by one individual to another. It is not a thing to give away lightly. Once you give it to someone you can't take it back again. If that other person doesn't value that trust then that is a betrayal of trust. Too many people abuse this gift every day without thinking of the cause and effect of the deed. Everything we do on this Earth has cause and effect attached to it. This is the law of the Universe. It's just the way it is. We must think carefully before we take any action that we might later wish to retract. It makes no difference if it is a positive (good) action or a negative (bad) action. Some people believe that we choose or responses, however some situations only allow scope for limited response.
Both may be quite valid, knowing wisely which option is the trick.
Bear in mind that the other person may deliberately limit you scope for a response to suit their agenda. Therefor you are playing into their hands just as they planned all along.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
Both may be quite valid, knowing wisely which option is the trick.
Bear in mind that the other person may deliberately limit you scope for a response to suit their agenda. Therefor you are playing into their hands just as they planned all along.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
The Irish Holocaust
This is something new to me. I had heard of the great potato famine in the 1840's. But today I was just trolling the net, as one does and came across Jim Corr's blog. So I went in and had a look. This story of the Irish needs to come out.
I just pray for a better world for all of us to share in love and peace. Never under estimate the power of prayer. It is very real, keep loving thoughts in your heart when you pray. Never allow a negative thought to enter your mind when praying. This energy is picked up in the spirit world. They understand the power of intention all too well. We create our own reality by the way we think. Negative or positive it is all Spiritual energy. The Law of attraction is at work here. Like attracts like.
Every prayer is heard,(unlike some people believe). We are all connected to God and that link can never, ever be broken. Do not listen to anyone but yourself on this matter. A minister or priest has no more power than you do. That is a spiritual fact. When people are praying in church, they actually open the crown chakra,
this spiritual energy is amplified as there are many people in the building giving of this energy at the same time. That is a lot of spiritual power right there. The Church leaders are well aware of this fact. That is why it is important to them to keep the people enslaved by their rules. You do not need a priest or minister to act as the go-between, between you and God. We are all part of the Divine. The churches have taken from the people of this world something that they do not have the right to. Self empowerment is something that they fear in the general public. The reason being they would be out of a job. So you see they have to keep up
with the game. You on the other hand don't, there is nothing they can do unless you give away your sovereign power as a child of the Divine.
There is a reason for the saying "Be careful what you wish for". There is always a price to pay for what we do on this Earth. Don't make it harder for yourself that it needs to be please.
By everyone praying for the truth to come out and asking for God's help good will come out of this. People need to heal from all this suffering. The dead want to have their say too. God created the Psychic abilities in all of us, to help bridge the gap between both worlds. These poor souls are not at rest, they need to have their story told, the truth. This will never heal until the dead are honoured.
Our world leaders both in Church and Politics know that time is running out, that is why things are more
turbulent. As we move into the new age, the spiritual power that God is sending to us will reveal all these evil doers for what they are. Trust me on this.
I wish to say thank you, to all the brave souls out in this world of ours for having the courage to fight for Humanity at this time. Please be aware that there definitely are what we call "Light-workers", thousands of them this very moment praying and channelling the higher spirits to help lift the vibrations on this planet. Negative energy cannot withstand the higher energies that are being channelled to us from the spirit world.
The energy frequency has to be an equal match for the heavier negative energy to continue to work its evil.
By lifting our thoughts and mental attitude to this fact we will overcome the difficulties that we are living with.
This understanding is a slow realisation on an individual basis, as each person makes this connection to the realities of what is happening on Earth. It is not a quick fix for all. But we all have to go through this Spiritual evolution sooner than later. It is the way God has made us.
May God bless you all, and keep you safe
This is something new to me. I had heard of the great potato famine in the 1840's. But today I was just trolling the net, as one does and came across Jim Corr's blog. So I went in and had a look. This story of the Irish needs to come out.
I just pray for a better world for all of us to share in love and peace. Never under estimate the power of prayer. It is very real, keep loving thoughts in your heart when you pray. Never allow a negative thought to enter your mind when praying. This energy is picked up in the spirit world. They understand the power of intention all too well. We create our own reality by the way we think. Negative or positive it is all Spiritual energy. The Law of attraction is at work here. Like attracts like.
Every prayer is heard,(unlike some people believe). We are all connected to God and that link can never, ever be broken. Do not listen to anyone but yourself on this matter. A minister or priest has no more power than you do. That is a spiritual fact. When people are praying in church, they actually open the crown chakra,
this spiritual energy is amplified as there are many people in the building giving of this energy at the same time. That is a lot of spiritual power right there. The Church leaders are well aware of this fact. That is why it is important to them to keep the people enslaved by their rules. You do not need a priest or minister to act as the go-between, between you and God. We are all part of the Divine. The churches have taken from the people of this world something that they do not have the right to. Self empowerment is something that they fear in the general public. The reason being they would be out of a job. So you see they have to keep up
with the game. You on the other hand don't, there is nothing they can do unless you give away your sovereign power as a child of the Divine.
There is a reason for the saying "Be careful what you wish for". There is always a price to pay for what we do on this Earth. Don't make it harder for yourself that it needs to be please.
By everyone praying for the truth to come out and asking for God's help good will come out of this. People need to heal from all this suffering. The dead want to have their say too. God created the Psychic abilities in all of us, to help bridge the gap between both worlds. These poor souls are not at rest, they need to have their story told, the truth. This will never heal until the dead are honoured.
Our world leaders both in Church and Politics know that time is running out, that is why things are more
turbulent. As we move into the new age, the spiritual power that God is sending to us will reveal all these evil doers for what they are. Trust me on this.
I wish to say thank you, to all the brave souls out in this world of ours for having the courage to fight for Humanity at this time. Please be aware that there definitely are what we call "Light-workers", thousands of them this very moment praying and channelling the higher spirits to help lift the vibrations on this planet. Negative energy cannot withstand the higher energies that are being channelled to us from the spirit world.
The energy frequency has to be an equal match for the heavier negative energy to continue to work its evil.
By lifting our thoughts and mental attitude to this fact we will overcome the difficulties that we are living with.
This understanding is a slow realisation on an individual basis, as each person makes this connection to the realities of what is happening on Earth. It is not a quick fix for all. But we all have to go through this Spiritual evolution sooner than later. It is the way God has made us.
May God bless you all, and keep you safe
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Rest in peace Sparky, our velvet boy.
On 19th May 2010, our beloved Jack Russell Terrier, Sparky was put to sleep. It was a very sad day for our family. Sparky was only 12 years old which is not old per say for a Jack Russell. Poor little Sparky had a heart condition that got progressively worse over the past 2 months. He had been just diagnosed with the condition two months ago. It happened suddenly, and he just went down hill so quickly in that two months. Sparky was the most loving little dog, so trusting, and a family member. We miss him so much.
Our Vet, Dr Chris Anderson at Wanniassa Hills Vet Clinic has been the most wonderful help and comfort to us in our time of need. I couldn't wish for a better Vet to take care of Sparky and all of our little ones. Chris was amazed at the strength that Sparky had in him right to the end. There was a mutual respect for each other. Sparky, I must say, never had a days illness in his life up until this Heart condition was diagnosed.
All of our cats, and our other dog are missing Sparky. They understand what is going on and offer us kisses, when we are sad.
I had the most amazing Spiritual experience at the time of Sparky's passing, But I wont disclose that here as it is a private matter for the family only. The reason I call Sparky my velvet boy, is because his ears are so soft like velvet and I always used to play with them. He didn't seem to mind me playing with his ears.
Copyright by Alex Fulford 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
The Number of the Beast
This is a quick note on the 666, number of the beast. Pay no attention to all the hog wash that you hear on the media about this. there is no such thing. As for 2012 being the end of the world according to some. It's the same deal. Remember 1999 and nothing happened. 2012 is the begining of a new age simple as that.
Back to the 666 rubbish, Crystalinks is a website that I have been a fan of from the beginning. What this lady doesn't know isn't worth knowing. I cant speak highly enough of her.
Also look at websites about Numerology too and happy hunting :)
Back to the 666 rubbish, Crystalinks is a website that I have been a fan of from the beginning. What this lady doesn't know isn't worth knowing. I cant speak highly enough of her.
Also look at websites about Numerology too and happy hunting :)
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry
Click on this link to read this disturbing but not surprising report. This website is worth book marking.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Ciro Marchetti
Ciro Marchetti is an English artist and designer of Tarot cards and Oracle cards. Born in England but now lives in the USA with a highly successful business. Some of his designs relate to Rider Waite Smith Tarot.
You really must check out his website to see the amazing art work that he creates. I have a deck of his Dream Cards on order. I can't wait for them to arrive.
His cards are highly sought after. A friend of mine bought a set of the first edition of the Dream cards. The last pack in the first edition sold for $US480 on EBAY. What a nice little nest egg to own huh.
You really must check out his website to see the amazing art work that he creates. I have a deck of his Dream Cards on order. I can't wait for them to arrive.
His cards are highly sought after. A friend of mine bought a set of the first edition of the Dream cards. The last pack in the first edition sold for $US480 on EBAY. What a nice little nest egg to own huh.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Sudden Vision that I had
Last Thursday morning I was driving to the shops, when suddenly I had a vision. In a split second I saw a coffin draped with the Australian flag. It was gone in the blink of an eye. I shuddered and wondered what all that was about, as you do. Then to my shock a few days later I went to read my e-mails and read Google news. I saw the news item of 2 Australian Pilots killed in Darwin at 10am on Monday at the RAAF base.
You can see this item on ABC
I don't get visions too often but when I do I make a note of the date and the time. I like to keep record of these things.
You can see this item on ABC
I don't get visions too often but when I do I make a note of the date and the time. I like to keep record of these things.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Butterflies or as I like to call them flying flowers, one of nature's most beautiful gifts to the world. They are not just pretty to look at they also have a spiritual meaning. Some people believe that they are the soul of a loved one that has come to say "Hello", after they have passed over.
More and more people are experiencing this nowadays and quite openly talk about it. I have started a collection of Butterfly brooches about 3 years ago. I just seem to be attracted to them and dragonfly brooches.
I am glad to see that there is a resurgence of costume jewellery. I just love to wear these pretty butterflies as often as I can. People often comment on them.
I tell people who are interested in knowing, the butterfly is a symbol of re-birth, renewal, transformation or transcendence. Other spiritual messengers are birds that may come to your window or door. You will know at the time by instinct when you have a visit from a loved one in spirit, no matter what form they choose to come and visit you. Just have faith that this little messenger is who you think it is. The first person that comes to mind is the correct one. They are visiting you to let you know that they love you and to let you know that they are happy where they are surrounded by love.
More and more people are experiencing this nowadays and quite openly talk about it. I have started a collection of Butterfly brooches about 3 years ago. I just seem to be attracted to them and dragonfly brooches.
I am glad to see that there is a resurgence of costume jewellery. I just love to wear these pretty butterflies as often as I can. People often comment on them.
I tell people who are interested in knowing, the butterfly is a symbol of re-birth, renewal, transformation or transcendence. Other spiritual messengers are birds that may come to your window or door. You will know at the time by instinct when you have a visit from a loved one in spirit, no matter what form they choose to come and visit you. Just have faith that this little messenger is who you think it is. The first person that comes to mind is the correct one. They are visiting you to let you know that they love you and to let you know that they are happy where they are surrounded by love.
Monday, 1 March 2010
The Green Man

In Britain there are spring festivals that have variations of the Green Man which vary a little in each region. He is also part of the May Queen celebrations. In recent times Pagans enjoy celebrating the ancient seasonal traditions.
The foliage around his face is usually Oak leaves and Acorns, Ivy, Mistletoe and Holly.
The meaning of the Oak tree in Celtic tradition is wisdom, strength, prophecy and divination.
Ivy is for eternal life, faith (fidelity) Ivy also represents female energy.
Mistletoe is for protection, love and visionary ability.
Holly is for dream magic, wisdom and courage and healing of subtle bodies. Holly also represents male energy.
The Green man is sometimes associated with Jack-in-the Green in English pagan festivals.
UPDATE: It is a while since this blog post was written, but I have more information to share about the Green Man/Pan. The answer to who the Green Man/Pan really is, is something that I had no idea about at the time. After extensive reading and many authors later, I believe that this character is none other than En-Ki. It is just one of many names that he is disguised under all over the planet. This is basically the same deal with all our mythical characters. It kind of detracts from the wonderful mythology stories when all is exposed by the light of truth. Nothing is ever what it seems to be on the surface. And that my friends is the whole story of human existence in a nut shell.
I strongly recommend that people read the Wes Penre Papers, to get the full low down on all of our world history, and mythology. Do be prepared for startling revelations. I think the human race is long over due for the truth. After that we can create our own world and reality as per the individuals desires. You are what you think you are, as we are all creating our own reality as we think, speak and act.
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