Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Latest Book From Wes Penre Now Available

Yay, finally the latest ebook "Synthetic Super Intelligence and the Transmutation of Human Kind, a road map to the Singularity and beyond", from Wes Penre is available  to download.

There are two crucial things to learn in this new book, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the soul trap. This is very informative  information here and not to be taken  lightly.  If you have not read his other works first, then you need to do so, or it will not make sense and you may  give up reading this.So please start from his first book in the Wes Penre Papers



Below is the link to the new book


I hope you enjoy reading this stuff as much as I do. You can also print this stuff off for a hard copy as I have done with some and or put it on a kindle, tablet, or data stick. At least printing it off you know if the stuff is removed from the internet then you have a hard copy. You are looking at a whole packet of photocopy paper though $6 plus ink. That works out to be the price of some books.


This is a post that I put up back in 19 November 2014 about AI or Singularity I am not the only psychic that has dreams like this either. That is Universal consciousness at work, no one psychic will have a dream like this or any other significant event for humanity, we all have these dreams and visions. Let me tell you it is not a nice experience and the memories don't fade because it is a warning to humanity.