Wednesday, 30 September 2020

List of Alex's predictions

 This is a list of predictions from 2013, but there are other psychic experiences that are not on this list.

This is only world predictions and Australian predictions.

I am just about to start the 2021 predictions and will tack the links to them on here once they are posted.

I did not seriously decide to do predictions until 2014. I honestly had never thought about doing them or knew that I had this ability until one day I gave it a try. The results speak for themselves and this is not an easy thing to do. Not all psychics or clairvoyants can do this.

UPDATE: MY NEW WEBSITE AND NEW BLOG LINKS ARE JUST BELOW THIS TEXT  Active since December 2023 Active since 2021

Australia 2021  2020 Australia  2020 world predictions

2019 world predictions  2018 predictions       2019   Australia         

Australia 2017

2015 predicting Malcom Turnbull becoming the Australian prime minister

Malcolm Turnbull 2015

Australia 2013

Bill Shorten becomes prime minister

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Springtime flowers one way or another

 So much is different this springtime, the ACT government in Canberra has had to change the plans for Floriade. this year for the first time. The event normally runs from the third week of September to the third week of October.

Sadly all our spring shows have been postponed and we have alternative arrangements  happening. The Floriade team have decided to share the flowers throughout town and place colourful displays in major areas sharing the floral delights. 

Personally I think all the town parks would have been a better choice, but perhaps because they are not locked at night it poses a risk of vandalism. However that could still happen in the streets too.

I just think people enjoy a walk in the park with loved ones and our town parks are big enough for social distancing anyway. Not to mention the beautiful man made lakes in each park. People don’t get the time to look at the flowers in the small beds in a suburban shopping centre or on a roadside but in a park setting they do.

People are in a hurry going about their daily business to have the time to stop and look at the flowers unlike in a park. Parks are more peaceful and make us slow down to appreciate what is there. Therefore a much better setting to do annually. The event has become way too commercial over the years and overwhelming when just held in Commonwealth park in the city.

The flower beds are amazing to look at and so beautiful. My favourite place for spring flowers displays is Tulip Tops garden, which is just outside Canberra heading towards Sydney. Sadly it is not open this year either due to the current pandemic.

So this year for me it is taking comfort in my garden, enjoying my own bulbs and planting some drought tolerant flowers to add a splash of colour. I bought some  Gazania to plant in full sun yesterday. These plants can take over if one is not vigilant. They will just about grow in concrete.

I know that I am taking a risk with them. However with the cost of watering the garden skyrocketing these days, it is a viable solution for colour. They can work in with my Osteospermum daisies and Agapanthus as they will tolerate hot dry conditions. The house across from me has a nice swarm of Gazania and Osteospermum, so it will look nice to have a colourful display opposite. 

There is nothing like the joy of gardening, it is so relaxing and rewarding. I didn’t get into gardening until 1995. It has been a mainstay in my life, to touch base with nature ever since. I would love an English county garden but in the extremely hot summers in Canberra that is a lot of water and time. So one must be creative in making a desirable equivalent that won’t shrivel up in the hot sun. So that’s where flowers such as Cosmos, Seaside daisies, Scabiosa, Agapanthus, Gazania, Osteospermum, roses and native flowers come in handy. 

Lol, there are times when a scorched earth policy has come to mind when the garden has become unruly. But it is just a case of pulling out the ones you don’t want and  careful choice of replacements. I have a massive problem with Ivy at present. I love the stuff, but it is now a banned plant in Canberra because it is so invasive and destructive. I am trying everything to kill mine off and it’s not as easy as one thinks.

Take it from me, don’t even think of putting it in the ground as a ground cover. It is also a hiding place for spiders too. The other no no is planting things like mint, that is another one that is invasive. Much easier to eradicate though. I might need a napalm strike on the Ivy to get rid of it.

I have a never ending battle with runners from Crepe Myrtle that the previous owner planted, grrr, it keeps resurfacing every few months and the roots must be everywhere in the front yard. The original was near the mailbox several meters away from my door, so heaven knows how long the runners really are. I am not a fan of that plant I can tell you 🤣🤣  

The things we learn along the way with gardening. I should write a book on how not to screw up 🤣 god only knows how much money I have spent on making a nice garden over the past twenty odd years. Now much as I love going into the garden section at the hardware store I have to restrain myself. I am trying to keep it real and not be a slave to the garden. Just enough time to enjoy my garden  and as little maintenance as possible is my dream. 

We nearly bought some more chickens but thankfully thought better of that. It would mean extra work and less garden. Much as I love chooks, they eat everything and I don’t want to go back to mucking out their house again and losing garden space. 

It would be lovely to have a garden set up like in the movie the secret garden. I just love that movie, watching the garden blossom in the hands of the children. How divine to have a garden that is so perfect and dreamy all year round. In an Australian climate that is possible, but it comes at a price, be it in time, money or water. But it is still worth the effort for the pleasure and joy that a garden brings, and not just to us humans. The birds, and insects need our gardens for survival in suburbia. Not to mention our deal beloved fur babies enjoy the delights of the garden too.

Two Rosella in the grass in the bottom photo 

Tarot card of the month: 8 of Swords October 2020


Restriction, Confusion, Powerlessness
The card relates to the month of May and dates 21 to 30

Not a happy card, we are not happy campers, and you guessed it we're not in Kansas anymore Toto.
The year just keeps turning to poop as each month goes by. Is it the beginning of the end? It could well be.   
The lady in the card is out of her depth or comfort zone. She has swords almost all around her, except right in front of her. But because she is wearing a blindfold she is unable to see the road ahead. She is bound tightly and unable to do anything. Her home is behind her in the distance. Which indicates the past.  If she could free herself things would be better, however she can't free herself, other than in her mind.
 Now the mind is something that  cannot be easily controlled by others. That depends on if you share your opinions, feelings etc. Sometimes we need to hide those things from others, because it cant be folly to trust others. Right now is a classic example of that, as many of us feel powerless and severely restricted. 

Everyone is affected in some way by the worlds circumstances but how each individual handles it is different. People feel beaten and down trodden with the changes that are taking place. The new normal, is not a walk in the park and many are slowly coming to realise this fact. 

They ignored the warning signs for so long and now they find themselves trapped.  The question is though, is it their own fault? Is this a betrayal of public trust?  Did they allow this to happen? If so how do the public get themselves out of this mess?

They may not be able to, and need to think about that. This card is ruled by Saturn which tells me that evil is loose, once out it cannot be put back in it's box. The individual must free themselves from the situation. That is no easy task, and must be done carefully and wisely.
A mass revolt is not the answer that some may think. it could well be playing into the hands of evil. This would result in harsher punishment and a crack down on freedom as witnessed in Melbourne. 

There are those in powerful positions that could do something, but chose not to for very selfish reasons. The service to self type, they will only do what is good for them. This year's US election is the clincher also. I feel it will result in a harsh repercussion for the American people. 
So be it, they allowed this to happen, by allowing evil to take control.

To be blunt I do not see a way out of this for America, things have gone way too far, through arrogance, corruption, laziness and giving in to those against American values within the country.  

For the rest of the world I see people trapped by the restrictions that are ongoing and not letting up. Financial and food security in Europe as winter advances  and trade issues cause more restrictions. If only the people would demand the end of the EU dictatorship, but sadly many have been fooled and still think it is a good thing. They cannot see the financial disaster and the social disaster this creates. It does not benefit anyone but those in power and big business as per design. Shall I say it is all in the numbers, literally?

The number 8 in Tarot
It can be positive or it can be negative, but I feel the time to be positive is gone and it is naive to think otherwise . You won't be seeing a positive change for many years to come.

Meanings: Wisdom, learning experience, stability, patience, responsibility caution financial security.

Restriction, self-discipline and self control. The number 8 vibrates to the energy of Saturn. Saturn rules agriculture, civilisation, social order, restrictions. You guessed it, the time is now for forcing the new world order down our throats.  Notice I mentioned food problems in Europe for winter, this could be the start of things and also, not much grown in winter and if restrictions on importing are in place guess what is going to happen? Not enough food.  This is not accidental, NO, not by a long shot and those that are keeping a watchful eye on world events are fully aware of this fact. Cause and effect, this is deliberate so pay attention and  wise up fast or you will regret it.

There is no turning back from this. No dress rehearsal, well actually there was but most people were asleep at the wheel, this is it right now for a few years. You will notice the change in diet, which you have very little control over. Travel well that is never going to be the same with the influence of Saturn travel will be restricted, I honestly cannot say how long for at this stage. 

PS: I recommend people look up the astrological meanings and cycles of Saturn and Jupiter. I am not an astrologer so I do not want to give any misleading information. Also you would be advised to look up the numbers relating to the planets and the star signs . It is all connected as the Tarot cards themselves are infused with these sciences.  

Friday, 18 September 2020

Skyhooks, Horror movie its the 6.30 news

I grew up listening to these guys, from when I first came to Australia in 1973, aged 10. They were such an iconic band and still are. I remember Shirl being on a kids tv show called Shirl’s neighbourhood.

In later years he was on a DIY  tv show and then in 2001, he was killed in a helicopter crash. A very sad day for Aussie music. Then we had the loss of  Peter  Starkie  on September 16, 2020, he fell from a ladder aged 72.

Red Symons had a close call not so long ago , which is in the ABC link below, under related stories.

You can watch Skyhooks videos on YouTube, and hopefully become a fan. Australia was an awesome place growing up in the 70s. 


Lol, too good not to post  🤣🤣

Melania Trump: hideous statue of First Lady unveiled in Slovenia

Oh dear, this looks like something a child made. Only Mr Bean can carry this off! 

Melbourne curfew, the real reason

This is going to be a very interesting test case, and many top lawyers are studying this at present. The premier was the one that made the call on this, not the police. It has now come out, that it was done to make life easier for the police and has no actual bearing on the current situation. read this first.

Monday, 14 September 2020

The Coronavirus (Retention of Fingerprints and DNA Profiles in the Interests of National Security) (No. 2) Regulations 2020

I am generally sceptical of things posted on Facebook, but tonight someone shared this from the UK.

What on earth would the government want to do with the general public’s DNA and finger prints? 

It does sound rather scary, doesn’t it. I am stunned by this.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

My Spirit or power animal is Freddo Frog

 With all the posts on line about your spirit or power animal, I have decided mine is Freddo frog, can't get better than that. Well hell yes you can, a flaming big bag of Freddo's 

Hottest 2020 Halloween Costume


Wes Penre: VIDEO 231: Q&A SESSION #57

Here are some more Q and A for you to enjoy. I finally got around to buying Not in his Image by John Lamb Lash. and finally making time to get my poor old head in to Gnosticism. I feel it will take me a while to remember things these days, lol. I used to be able to absorb a lot of information but not these days. Still I am not in a hurry.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Melbourne's COVID-19 curfew an enforcement aid, Andrews confirms

It’s all about control darlings 😀 So in theory this stunt can be pulled whenever they want it.

Look both ways



Lol, That’s up there with, who left the lid off the jar of idiots 🤣🤣🤣



The only  exercise I advocate 🤣🤣🤣 

Government faces test on Australian sovereignty over Port of Darwin Liberal senator warns

Talk about a national embarrassment omfg. What sort of leaders or idiots do we have? This is only one situation of what our leaders are doing. They have no respect for the people of Australia nor any self respect that much is obvious, and we are going to have major problems rectifying this insanity. 

The sheer cheek of Labor MP’s pointing the finger at the Liberals. Remind those Labor morons that it was their party that sold us out every time they were in power from the early 1970’s. Older people remember this and are not stupid like the snowflake generation. Remember the older generations fought to keep our land free. 

Oh yeah and we want our water and farms back too!

Monday, 7 September 2020

Political correctness training NSW bureaucrats warned not to use husband and wife

Agenda to go, lol. How about NO! People are getting real sick of this bloody agenda. If you have been paying attention to the increments, this is removal of gender, removal of self, removal of everything we know as society. This is to prepare the masses for transhumanism. You snooze you loose, you let it happen you loose.

People power only works if it is approved by the powers that be, don’t forget that. We only get titbits of winning against the powers that be, just enough to keep us from revolting. 

By the way most readers and the general public don’t  even see the colour purple as a coded message along with this. If you want to know why that colour is used then read through my blog, the answer is there.

You can bet your arse this does not fly when dealing with high ranking officials and dignity. No bloody way it is only for the worker drones, we are just insignificant to the bastards that came up with this big brother stick to bash us with. You can get stuffed, I will not be addressed as anything other than Mrs not Ms and I have a husband not a bloody partner. I have never tolerated this shit when I was a public servant many years ago and I am offended by this rubbish. It is classic communism, all be it corporate communism  and make no mistake about that.

Alert: In a curious government backed appeal for Westpac rescue helicopter funding why are New Zealand farmers being asked full details of all stock food available?

At present there are government adverts telling us not to waste food, even the Chinese government is pushing this. For the past few weeks we have been bombarded with this on the internet, I can’t tell you if this is happening on tv as well because I don’t watch much tv. Unless it is a selective show that I watch.

I can tell you that there is most definitely a link in this Uncensored article and the government telling us not to waste food. I have been aware for about 15 years, I knew this was coming. I recall a girl that used to visit our house, telling me her very intuitive sister warned her parents to get ready for food shortages. She also told her parents they had better learn how to kill rabbits to eat because they will starve without them. This girl lived in a rural area interstate so was well placed for survival by being self sustaining.

I let her know that I was fully beware of this and I can tell you right now, it is deliberately being done. It is part of the population reduction control the powers that be are enforcing world wide.

Remember the  Georgia guide stones? Take that onboard because  are telling us what will happen. Farmers are being put under the hammer world wide over the past 20 years at least. They are getting driven bankrupt by those with a vested interest in controlling our food supplies world wide. Remember when the farmers in Iraq were forced to hand over all their seed stock?  Remember the US farmers having to shoot their cattle? In India farmers are suiciding every day because they cannot survive. It is heart wrenching and to know this is being done deliberately to our farmers is the most evil thing imaginable.

In Australia the drought was the perfect tool and the recent bushfires to wipe out live stock as well as our dear wildlife. Oh and don’t forget farmers that have farms interstate, but can’t get to them at present due to government rules on travel. They can’t get food from one farm to another to feed the animals.

Get ready because things are going to get worse for us. It isn’t just draconian laws we are dealing with, it’s survival with food being used to control us also. Just keep a lookout for things in the news, they may seem unconnected because they will be delivered in little increments so most people will not notice.

If you are smart and have the money, start stocking  up your pantry, think along the lines of shortages and food rationing. I would give it two years roughly before we start to notice this fully. Lucky for those with money to be able to do this. Preppers are way ahead of the average person and especially those depending on welfare. Those on welfare will find this very hard going. 

Notice the article mentions AI research forum. This is being well planned and coordinating with powerful organisations. Who is going to benefit from this? It sure won’t be ordinary people like us. I wonder what financial reward the shareholders get, Ka Ching! Blood money. 

What a crap Father's Day

 I am not a fan of either Mother's day, Father's day or any other corporate BS. But this has got to be the worst one my family have ever had, and that is saying something. No, we don't have an easy life, we never have, with health issues and other things going on it is always a struggle.

This one hubby has spent the day in bed very ill and in excruciating pain. He has a raging fever but can't  see the GP tomorrow morning. This on top of multiple health issues and serious abdominal issues. The specialists seem to be rather of the mind set, so sad too bad. We are still waiting so long for the basic tests to be done, ( he had one months ago which turned out to be the wrong  type and unnecessary test ) and then book in for surgery. He could die in the long bloody wait. He has no quality of life.

Canberra has few specialists and especially in the field that my husband needs. It is all about the money, not human lives here. However  if you are in a private health fund they will take you in a flash. Talk about privilege It is not a privilege to be suffering serious illness that could kill you. We just have to suck it up and have no other choice. There is no COVID in Canberra either.

Can you imagine how hard it is to get through life like this? It affects my household on many levels. I am also a carer for an other family member and that takes it out of me .

It has been 9  months of misery and suffering for my family. There are other serious issues going on that I won't go into here on top of this. 

Today it is also the first anniversary of my mother in law's death, which is upsetting for my poor husband, and my mothers 20th anniversary of her death.

I can't visit my father yet again because NSW nursing homes are all back in lockdown two weeks ago. My father is very sad as he can't have any one visit. This did not need to happen. It is caused by bloody selfish people that gave no thought to spreading this virus to all and sundry. Pure evil selfishness.

All this stress and suffering also affects me when I am trying to do readings. Can you possibly imagine the pressure that I work under. That is thirty three years so far with no respite with my husbands long term health and quality of life, and there won't be any either.

It is just suck it up buttercup for both of us. So yeah it has been a crap day yesterday, but hey things have to get done and suck it up. Understandably I get pissed off when others sail through life and everything is roses for them celebrating with family. We have nothing to celebrate.

"Oh I am so proud of my grand children, they are doing this and that", blah blah blah. Guess what I have two that I can never see, due to something evil their father did. Do you know how much that hurts?  That is on our minds at Fathers  day and Mother's day every year.

I have to keep my mouth shut and suck it up. Other family that live interstate have bloody amazing lives. They know what is going on in my life but hey, tough, just suck it up. Being deliberately kept out of the loop on the births of my grand children too. But Hey I am a bloody clairvoyant and I could feel them. I know that one day my granddaughter will come to my door and ask for the truth. She will be given the truth. I also know she is a very gifted clairvoyant too. I knew that years before she was born.

My husband and I just have to suck it up. Yet the thing that pisses me off is  the cheek of family asking me to forgive,  forgive something so evil and unspeakable. I do not do forgiveness for evil. But live with the pain every day of my life. The acts of others with no soul can rip your life apart. 

It was never an easy life to begin with but, the pain and suffering just keeps on coming.

Happy Father's day to those that can have a nice father's day, just remember it is not always a bed of roses for others. It is a bed of thorns that cut deep and never heals.

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Northern NSW Koala populations plummets on NSW north coast after 2019-20 bushfires

So heart breaking to lose our beloved animals like this. I will never forget this tragedy as long as I live. I remember full well the Canberra bushfires in 2003 and the loss of life. We were on the list to be evacuated then, but as luck would have it, we were saved. I had two young children and six fur babies.

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Extinction Rebellion: More than 300 arrested at London climate protest 

Wtf? Why are these goons allowed to protest and spread infection? Every time protests happen there are upsurges of  infections. What is the chance of a longer lockdown happening within a week or two?

Lefty idiots seem to have more rights than everyone else. They are after all useful idiots that help bring in draconian laws, is the way it looks to me. 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Victorian coroner investigates Australia’s youngest Covid death

Let the cover ups begin.

Dreaming of painting and interrogation

I had the most freaky dream last night. In this dream  I was in some large building with lots of people. The people looked as if they had lost all hope and were just accepting their lot. They looked drab and nondescript as a whole, no individuality. Even their clothing was rather ordinary and drab.  The building looked like an old high school, and I was aware that we were all standing looking from balconies down into an outdoor court yard. The place was very dimly lit and felt cold. The atmosphere was chilling and people were scared to speak to each other. They just kept on doing what ever tasks they were doing.              

It felt like we were in some form of totalitarian controlled system. The strange thing is we were made to do  some art work. But this artwork was symbolic, many of us were using very dark colours  as we painted  our art work. We were painting some weird sort of art like school kids. I started to paint using gold paint, and some shade of deep blue, like what one seen in medieval art. I noticed my art work was embossed with little symbols. I had also divided my paper into 4 sections, by having a cross in the middle of the thing I was painting, which was made by folding the paper into four squares.  I then noticed that I was also painting over the top of what I had just done, as we all were, talk about in a trance. Just repetition over and over again.

 I then mentioned to the man next to me something about the symbolism in the Monas hieroglyphica, by John Dee, as I pointed to what I had painted. I have no idea how that ties in to this weird dream though. Other than symbols, colours and shapes and their meanings. I noticed a guard come up to us at this point to as both the men either side of me started to copy what I was doing in my painting. One man was removed by these guards.   

There was a slight spiritual feeling to what I was painting, and I am in no way artistic, lol. I  then became aware of people being taken one by one into a room to be tortured and interrogated. The guards actually left the door open, so that we could see what was going on. That was very disturbing, being aware that anyone of us could be next.

I noticed a woman being taken in to the room and put on a table. Her long blond curls hanging over the table as they started to torture her. Meanwhile everyone with me just ignored what was happening. It was as if it was normal and they knew they would be next. This scared the hell out of me for two reasons, A) everyone just accepted it. and B) no one put up a fight.

The people doing the interrogation and torture all seemed like cold and unfeeling members of some strange organisation. They were not actually in a uniform  or anything that I could recognise as a uniform.

For some reason they would not touch me though, as if just trying to psych me out by doing the abuse to everyone else but me to make, perhaps to make me comply or because they were not allowed to touch me, I have no idea. Later I walked past one of the interrogators, and said hello. He just ignored me and walked on by. No emotion on his face just like a robot.  

It just reminds me of what society seems to be doing right now, the I'm alright Jack and no one wants to stop the dreadful changes that are being brought into existence at present. Everyone just looks the other way .

I looked up the meaning of dark blue paint and it suggests  well being in family life and work. I can’t see anything on any dream interpretation websites that can explain the rest of this. However I think it speaks for itself, when observing suffering and the feeling of helplessness in a totalitarian state. 

This has been sitting in draft for a few weeks, I had forgotten all about it.....oops 🤣

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Camera time, oh boy

 Lol, today I was having a bit of a rummage and tidying. I came across my two cameras, and not having used them in about 12 months I can’t really remember how to use them.

Hubby bought one for me a few Christmas’s back.The other one he bought me to do a digital photography class. I got the hang of it, but then I had other things to do etc. Long story short I feel it is back to the old drawing board again. 

I feel such a dinosaur because everything is super technical these days and I am old school, humph, not even the head master either 😂😂 I just want to take spring photos in my garden as I have some pretty bulbs in bloom. Oh and we have three possum boxes in the garden now with house guests in them.

If I am lucky I might be able to get a few shots of the possums. They are not keen on sharing their sleeping area with each other either. Tonight I saw one pushed out of a possum box and he was trying hard to get back inside. Poor little guy, I felt so sorry for him. 

They do not get on with dogs and cats, so I have to make sure my dog is inside when they are out and about. Possums are a protected species in Australia so we must be careful that no harm comes to these cute little fluff balls. 

Neil Oliver: There is a pervasive atmosphere in Scotland over people being frightened into silence

I have a lot of respect for this guy, I have been an avid reader of his books and watch all of his historical tv shows. He is a common sense man and calls it as he sees it, very much like myself. I have to agree with what he says here.

It has become very clear to many people, we are heading headlong into a dystopian society world wide if this isn’t held in check. It’s not just what is taking place in Scotland, dangerous changes are taking place world wide.  Have you noticed how much self censoring people are doing over the past few years? 

 This year it is way over the top, and it is not going to slow down or even stop. People are afraid to speak their mind publicly these days. How did that happen in the western world?  Yes, we must have a middle ground of rational and we need it now.  

 People are afraid, to admit who they vote for just as Neil is saying. A classic example is what is happening in the US at present. Even in Australia Liberal voters  keep their heads down. I would hardly call this democratic. Common sense must prevail surely.

When  it comes to a person’s political opinion, we have the right to cherry pick what we want, as Neil says. Who the hell has the right to tell us what we should believe or accept politically, culturally spiritually or in our medical beliefs ? That is not democracy is it? 

Politicians are here to work for us remember? They must be held accountable to the voters, not treat us with distain as they often do. Voting is not compulsory in Scotland, it never has been. So many people avoiding the voting process, does give us a false view of the national mind set, but add to that people being unable to speak their mind. 

As a Scott, I am well aware of our culture, and even though we are a race of live and let live, under the surface there are still religious bigotry  issues.   Unlike some countries, names in Scotland or Ireland tell people what religion you are. Both the given or Christian name as well as the surname. That still has an affect when trying to get along with each other, even down to getting a job, your religion plays a part, I as a young woman  of 19 had experienced that first hand from a religious bigoted man at a job interview. That is something I can’t accept. 

I would be mistaken for a Protestant in Scotland today, however I do not have a religion at all. I was never christened or baptised. I do not want to be tarnished by the toxic energy of religion.

Scottish People can be very opinionated when they are talking to each other, no different to many other countries I am sure. We are a strong and passionate race.  So now this shift is taking place people are afraid to speak out. These are dark days indeed, but only if they are permitted. It looks almost like going back to the days of the reformation and that was horrendous. I would not wish such horror on anyone.

However this is not just about freedom of speech, there is so much more going on and it is world wide, C   O V    I D. is just a convenient vehicle to push the changes. Have you noticed the split in society yet? Pay attention to this, we are emerging into two different worlds right now. 

As I have said in older blog posts, these things are a multi pronged attacks on humanity and our rights, sovereignty within our own nations. That word SOVEREIGNTY, is being used as a weapon by those that seek to take away our freedom. If you can’t see that then you have a problem. The media are branding it communist, leftist, and at the same time it is mentioned in government documents with regards to a nations and its people. So it can be very confusing for some people trying to understand what sovereignty actually means and to whom. 

 The use of the wording “sovereign citizens “ is not as in the meaning of the people protected by the law of the country. No, this sovereign citizens as in the way used by protestors is actually communist or leftist. It has no legal bearing at all and if you google the origins of this sovereignty issue you will see that. This is very wrong and very dangerous, playing into the hands of people that are a threat to our way of life. It’s just not on!  (scroll down to the bottom and click on the other things such as straw man etc, just don’t get involved in this BS, just read it for an understanding only)

Neil is so right on the money when he mentioned religion and politics as being swept under the carpet in Scotland. Scotland has always been a political country, just read our history. It is passionate and bloody. This is just within Christianity too. The royals and the church  set the ball rolling hundreds of years ago, fighting amongst themselves over Catholicism and Protestantism. These were often extremely violent situations and still within our living history and memories. But this issue is not just about Scotland. No this is just the litmus test to spread worldwide.

Australia has a similar hate crime laws, which are under review at present. I think it is still going through parliament. These laws could open up a can of worms if not done sensibly. I somehow doubt sensibility comes into the equation though.


Interesting reading, however one must remember apart from our  third dimensional world actually being hell (the under world) It is locked and we do not really have much freewill at all. I feel since Wes has got into Gnosticism he tends to forget or gloss over these vital facts.

I keep saying humanity is programmed only to evolve so far and then we crash and burn as a civilisation. Think of astrological cycles as an example. At present this crash and burn cycle is in progress.  There is also very little scope to awaken from this augmented reality. Very few people each cycle of thousands of years  will actually do this. This is vital in understanding our way out of this reality, we cannot waken others and it is not our place to do so. The individual must awaken and set a path of discovery through out their life. It is definitely not an easy task and that is why very few manage to exit.

Many spiritual guru's over the centuries had no real idea of what was happening or understood this is a controlled and closed matrix  (augmented reality) in the way that we can understand.  They believed what they were told, and the channelled information came from within this matrix construct by archonic beings with a vested interest in keeping us here and unaware. Never to know we were far more spiritually advanced than these beings.