This is a copy of an e-mail to me from Astrologer Dr Louis Turi. I can't speak highly enough of this man and have been following him for a few years. I subscribe to his newsletters , and highly recommend him to anyone interested in Astrology or interested in what is going on in our world at present.
Dr. Turi12/13/2010 Dear reader; SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION READER! THANK YOU - DT Nominat...
13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. TuriLoading...13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dr. Turi to me
show details 13:34 (5 hours ago)
Dear reader;
Nominate Dr. Turi for a Yahoo! Contributor Award
I received this interesting email today from an pleased reader enunciating that our infantile science is slowly waking up to reality about astrology...A reality I was born to perceive, translate for the world and use in my entire life since the tender age of 7 years old. Thanks to my Gran ma in heaven who always told me to watch the moon if I ever needed to own a garden and my grandpa near her who explained to me why the tides were so high during a full moon when he took me fishing.
"Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology - Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionally provides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality."
As you know I mentioned so many times that the new younger generation is better equipped spiritually to "think out of the box" and explore the stars on a more spiritual values while trying hard not to upset the older scientific community hard core morons born with an inadequate UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. While the "new kids on the block" needs to keep their job within the "educated" science community, they cannot accept the fact to be less smart than million of perceptive practicing astrologers who never attended any of their accredited expansive schools and Universities. The fact is clear reader, anyone ever interested and used astrology is a million miles ahead and smarter than ALL scientists combined together because we did not have to waste precious tax dollars to recognize the obvious...
As you also know being a leader in this field and an Internet celebrity on the topic, many kids looking for the golden keys of what it means to be human have the possibility through my endless chain of newsletters to grasp a glimpse of the spirit, find some answers and if they work harder the undeniable proof of my predictions. Dr. Turi's good heart is also used in a way that many people (including students from all walks of life and scientists alike) picked up so much wisdom in the process and added the curiosity to their own repertoire... Here is another "prediction " for them, dedicated to today's news bringing more values to the Cosmic Code rules. By the way note also that Uranus rules astrology and shocking news and for the scientific community to actually admit the obvious is something quite extraordinary to me and both the quatrain and keywords used speaks my expertise to the T.uri. When I ask my reader to read between the lines, the underlined and the topics exposed should match and they always do...
Quatrain Sample for a (+) Uranic window
Entrails Upset Spit Above Red Fire Wind To Dance Stars Command Shock Science Calm Deception To Strike KEYWORDS USED to explain a (+) Uranic window
Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.
But if the scientific community (and those reading my work for years) need more proof that the "stars" regulates and affects everything happening on earth including the weather here is another tip...
Red Fire Wind To Dance?
A low pressure system, pushed by heavy winds, is creating hazardous conditions in parts of the Midwest, which has been blanketed by near-whiteout conditions since the storm began Friday.
But while I am in the "predictions" section I'd like to remind my reader and the scientists to read the following posted 01/01/2010 at
I see quite a lot of tornadoes; wind storms, sand storms, fire storms stopping traffic (check 2011 Moon power Supernova windows for most impact) and such a "wind" activity can only make the upcoming hurricane "season" a very busy one. Again do not expect the NWS or science at large to remotely understand the inner workings of the Cosmic Code or God' sign plaguing the world in the year 2011 until August 2012. Update: November 23rd, 2010: CNN - Midwest hit hard by extreme winds, flash floods Update: December 2nd, 2010: -- Shifting winds from the storm front that is moving through the eastern United States produced heavy snow has shut down Interstate 90 near Buffalo, New York, leaving motorists stranded for more than 12 hours as of Thursday morning, with more snow on the way.
Its a great honor Dr. Turi to offer you the Nobel Prize for your dedication to humanity...
But ultimately what I am trying to do today is to make sure the reader understand that "the new kids on the block" or the new spiritually inclined scientists cruise also the Internet 24/7 and while some steal music or videos for pleasure, others intellectually inclined souls have found in all the incalculable astrological material posted there, the answers that stimulated them to conduct a deeper research (and findings) of what astrology is all about. Thus because the system is set as such, the future scientific "nominee" will receive the Nobel Price he stole from the genius of people like me. Thus this "educated" scientist comes along and gets the honor and respect he stole from someone's lifetime arduous work. I doubt very much you will hear about Dr. Turi won a Nobel Prize in the near future; meantime my work is legit, solid, scientifically oriented and has helped millions of people during the course of my life. The only peace I have is that all I wrote is forever dated and printed on the Internet and my lifelong work will benefit more scientists / children of the future...
(NaturalNews) Mention the word "astrology" and skeptics go into an epileptic fit. The idea that someone's personality could be imprinted at birth according to the position of the sun, moon and planets has long been derided as "quackery" by the so-called "scientific" community which resists any notion based on holistic connections between individuals and the cosmos. According to the conventional view, your genes and your parenting determine your personality, and the position of planet Earth at the time of your birth has nothing to do with it.
DT Rebuttal: All I can suggest the reader to do is to go back in time and read some of my newsletters referring to "science and astrology" so you can truly appreciate the facts. I have to sound redundant again but the scientific community is totally oblivious of the word UCI and are themselves born with an unperceptive mental process. When I use the word inferior, the natural inborn mental pride of all scientists kicks in, thus by respect let's try another way. A natural born scientist is someone that inherited a strong dose of Saturn's earthy, logical, down to earth, critical, organized, mathematically oriented mind. Thus their UCI *Unique Celestial Identity can only rely on their five human rational earthy senses to deal with life in general. Saturn breeds astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers and all professional students that are well read and dwell only with what they can perceive reasonably. Their "wisdom" comes from accredited schools "Piling Higher and Deeper" and carry mental pride and think they know better than the common mortal because of their PhD's. But at the same time being so rational those people cannot auto analyze themselves or life around them otherwise, this does not mean they are stupid simply different. We need them to build gearboxes, solid bridges and do math period...To them I say read "Einstein And The E=MC 2 Theory" Date September 17th 2008 from
DNA Versus UCI
*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~Albert Einstein*
The mind is like a computer with a unique celestial program inherited at birth, it is all based upon all previous past lives information, work and karma. While we are all interconnected physically we are also total strangers to each others, including our very close family members. The physical connection between the mother and the child (or anyone of your family) is genetically proven using DNA. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; which is present in almost every cell in your body. DNA produces a genetic blueprint, unique to each individual (except identical twins), which determines your physical make up. You inherit your genetic DNA code from your parents. Thus you may even look like mom or dad!
Where science has failed to recognize the obvious I presents the scientific community with *UCI or (Unique Celestial Identity). This is a new concept involving the interaction of the Universal Mind with the human psyche. Indeed I am well ahead of time in my unique research and the scientific community does not yet understand these facts. However with this new discovery there is hope for a different type of mental exploration which will improve with the new crowd of new spiritually inclined scientists. A scientific soul *UCI is set naturally to be reluctant to explore the intangible or worse, inapt to penetrate the archetypal realm of consciousness or the intuitional domain of the Universal Mind. Such a young soul will never realize that the stars are not just mere rocks depraved of spiritual life. What cannot be seen or accepted just yet by the majority of scientists does not mean it does not exist...There is no school that can produce an Einstein or a Mozart. Like me and so many other people and geniuses out there, certain souls were born with a powerful intuitive UCI and a well-developed intuition.
This translates into a well developed natural objectivity where the soul does not miss the tree for the forest and possess tremendous artistic or/or musical imagination. This gift is often missing in the scientific community's limited perception that is confined to systematic approaches that neglect or rebuff the intuition. In the case of Einstein he inherited a dignified "Dragon" and benefited from both a well balanced "physical/spiritual" UCI. Thus while being extraordinary logical he was also unusually spiritual for a scientist. It is usually one or the other and he was blessed on both sides put it this way.
"there is a big difference between education and intelligence!"
"In this study, not only did the birth month impact personality; it also resulted in measurable functional changes in the brain."
Now I will explain in the best way I can my own conception of UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity." Again the mind is nothing more than a computer interacting with the outside stimuli provided by the stars (Universal Mind/Cosmic Code). Your very celestial program inherited at birth dictates all your strengths, weaknesses, fate, health and all that it means to be human and how you perceive you own reality. Because scientists can only relate to numbers to grasp anything let's use this example with some old computers.
There is a big difference between a "286, a 386 and a 486" computer programs yes? Let's start with the lowest of all or a 286, this is the feeble limited program reflecting the morons, the imbeciles, the idiots inherited at birth and please do not tell me you never landed on one of those souls in your life... The program is not advanced enough because they did not work hard enough in previous lives, committed suicide or fell victims of human endless wars at a very young age. The reasons are endless but the souls reincarnated with little gift or help because he did not stay long enough in school, in hell or on earth.
A "386" computer program is a bit faster, much smarter and this program would run at the speed the "young souls", skeptics, atheists, religious lunatics, scientists etc. can relate and process information with. These are in transitions, they are like young kids facing the ocean saying "Mom tons of water here but where are the fishes?" These souls have not yet reached a level of understanding or curiosity pass what they perceive as real facts, or what the books or their teachers told them to be true. Life very often forces them into situations to seek somewhere else for the answers they so desperately need to uncover.
We now have the"486" and this program runs more spiritually more efficiently and it is designed by God for the "advanced souls" that are compiling the 286/386 computerized programs together and benefit from a newer different more perceptive software version. These souls arrive on earth with an incredible imagination, many gifts and help those less advanced spiritually to grow at their level. Of course life and technology is in a constant process of changes, thus as the planets moves endlessly above, they will in time make more auspicious aspects and produce a new crowd of much more advanced human beings. These people will look at science today and laugh their head off...Pretty much like you would wonder how the cave men had to knock rocks for ever to start a fire when we use a lighter nowadays.
NASA Costly Ignorance - May 11th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 2 - May 13th 2009
NASA Costly Ignorance Part 3 May 14th 2009
Read all from
But the question is the "youngest soul" willing to do the mental gymnastics needed to raise his/her own Cosmic Consciousness when the simple act of clicking on a provided link to read my material could prove to be too demanding? Indeed some people have emailed me telling me my newsletters are too long lolol How in the hell can anyone expect to learn anything from me with a 286 computer mindset? Again my sarcasm is also constructive and will help you to realize what type of UCI if you have inherited and if you are a 286 a 486 or in between if I make sense at all. Again do not take my words personally after all I am only helping you to auto analyze yourself accurately and the truth never intended to please anyone.
I made also some references to DNA and UCI with NASA scientists specifically in a newsletter titled "The Stars And Fate Of Richard Charles Hoagland" published August 1st 2010 from and I strongly recommend the reader who missed it to go back and read it. Thus the point I am trying to make is quite clear, men are NOT born equal in mind, body and spirit. While our current growing scientific population fails to recognize the Cosmic Code's impact upon itself, future generations will easily acknowledge such fact.
Young souls display the worst of human behaviors such as; crime, jealousy, drug addiction lies and reflect a multitude of negative behavioral expressions. The older soul will display, love, intelligence, curiosity, compassion, practicality, spirituality and will become; as intended by his UCI, very successful (in his own field) in time.
Like DNA, the spiritual make up or UCI between a mother and her child (or anyone of your family members) is also unique, and will become easily understood to those willing to build cosmic consciousness through the study of Astropsychology. However, regardless of your efforts to help some young souls to perceive the facts, you may never get through. A limited UCI combined with an early upbringing either scientific or religious in nature will seriously alter the conception and perception of any UCI manifestation. Yes you can bring the horse to the water but you can't make him drink...
UCI is a sophisticated inner spiritual blueprint, Unique to each individual (including identical twins), which determines the souls' inner spiritual make up and true potential. You inherited your celestial code from a combination of the Universal Mind and your accumulated karma. All the collective experiences in one's life will lead the soul towards expressing the positive or negative manifestation of those stars in your housing system. To the erudite man, those stars are much more than dead rocks hanging up there for the sake of beauty. The fact is 99.9% of the general population does not possess cosmic consciousness and are indeed robots of the stars. They are unable to apply their will because they are ignorant to the ultimate celestial order above. The purpose is real and in time, science will come to acknowledge this fact. Thanks to all my faithful students, they are furthering the Age of Aquarius and helping me providing cosmic consciousness to the badly informed population.
Then again, conventional scientists don't believe the position of the moon has anything to do with life on Earth, either. They dismiss the wisdom that farmers have known for ages -- that planting seeds or transplanting living plants in harmony with the moon cycles results in higher crop yields. Even the seeds inside humans are strongly influenced by the moon, as menstruation cycles and moon cycles are closely synchronized (28 days, roughly). Anyone who read my book Moon Power long enough will no doubt of the power of our closest satellite upon earth and its impact in the human affairs.
Researchers demonstrate scientific principle of astrology
Skeptics must be further bewildered by the new research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University which unintentionallyprovides scientific support for the fundamental principle of astrology -- namely, that the position of the planets at your time of birth influences your personality.
DT Rebuttal - Again I am amazed that such an expansive research published in Nature Neuroscience and conducted at Vanderbilt University brought the answers I knew when I was only a kid!! Unintentionally, are you joking? Somewhere somehow someone stimulated the young scientists to honor the word science but they have to proceed slowly not to offend hard core UCI'S in charge of their education.
This study, conducted on mice, showed that mice born in the winter showed a "consistent slowing" of their daytime activity. They were also more susceptible to symptoms that we might call "Seasonal Affective Disorder."
DT Rebuttal - Here goes a new scientific term "Seasonal Affective Disorder" that translates into more money for the pharmaceutical industry and more future dysfunctions of the human brain.
The study was carried out by Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students, none of whom believe in astrology, apparently. They do, of course, believe in science, which is why all their study findings have been draped in the language of science even though the findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
DT Rebuttal - Are you telling me and all my astrologers' comrades we are more intelligent than Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students who never believed in astrology? Indeed we are because their findings are essentially supporting principles of astrology.
"What is particularly striking about our results is the fact that the imprinting affects both the animal's behavior and the cycling of the neurons in the master biological clock in their brains," said Ciarleglio. This is one of the core principles of astrology: That the position of the planets at the time of your birth (which might be called the "season" of your birth) can actually result in changes in your brain physiology which impact lifelong behavior.
DT Rebuttal - Damn why this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two additional undergraduate students don't take my course and finally own the key of what it means to be human and perceive the brain as it really is, a sophisticated fleshy computer responding to the Universal mind?
Once again, such an idea sounds preposterous to the scientifically trained, unless of course they discover it for themselves, at which point it's all suddenly very "scientific." Instead of calling it "astrology," they're now referring to it as "seasonal biology."
DT Rebuttal - My "explicit" "seasonal biology" I is pure astrology they are dealing with and indeed it discredits what they call "real" science for the truth or the celestial tools of "Our Father Above." The conventional scientific community would rather die and will insist that Astrology and cold fusion doesn't exist and all astrologers and cold fusion researchers are frauds. Just as there is a solid scientific basis for LENR, there is a scientific basis for astrology, too but like 99.09 % of the world, this Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and his two additional undergraduate students never dealt with a real star teacher like Dr. Turi.
The Universe is a powerful subtle living powerful organism and there is nothing to "believe" in astrology because it is NOT a religion but a lost science I am working so hard to reinstate through the art of Astropsychology. I wonder how those scientists would feel if I was "reading" their UCI, all I can tell you they would be more than baffled but what are the chances for them to even read this newsletter if you do not help me and post it all over Vanderbilt University website and let their students read about the Cosmic Code?
Well astrology got a bad name because of people like Mrs. Cleo or Sylvia Browne ridiculous television exhibitions - Read Dr. Turi VS. Sylvia Brown Dr. Turi May 23rd 2010 from
We are made of star stuff, says Carl Sagan: We are not only made of star stuff, we are influenced by that stuff, too. And finally, modern science is beginning to catch up to this greater truth that astrologers have known since the dawn of human existence on this planet.
All Is That And That Is All
When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the "Divine" a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God's highest celestial orders cloaked in the "Universal Code". The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it's all about a complex range of integration of all things at once".
Dr. Turi
Blessings to all Dr. Turi
TeleClass Title:Building Cosmic Consciousness
Time:10:00 PM ET (New York Time) (ET) New York Time
TeleClass Leader:Dr. Louis Turi
Tuition:No Cost
Check to add this TeleClass to your selected TeleClasses
Description:This TeleClass will be an actual training /coaching event where you will be introduced to the Cosmic Code secrets, the subconscious' creative forces and learn a simple model on how to perform private consultations on health, love, career and finances and how to promote yourself, get on radio, appear in television shows, magazines, newspapers, blogs, get paying clients etc. DON'T MISS IT!
"Change Your Life!" ATTENTION ALL READERS; I will be doing a teleclass on December 15th, 2010 7:00 PM (AZ time)
In any case if you are not interested in becoming an Astropsychologist the astonishing power coming from the Cosmic Code can be used for absolutely anything and everything you are curious or concerned with. Mostly because everything under the stars, including yourself, your wishes, your dreams are under the universal jurisdiction of the stars. Thus mastering the Cosmic Code above can offer you the crucial information about your true celestial options to build emotional, financial or spiritual stability. The Cosmic Code rules apply for ALL living things on earth and ALL affairs making up the human experience. Knowing how God designed you in dealing with money, love, career etc. including respecting the rules becomes a serious complement and a sure key to succeed in ALL your practical endeavors.
Or lets try this, why would you work for anyone and own little when you could use your UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity" and run your own show? You are "programmed by God himself to succeed in certain endeavors that will flourish ONLY if you know about it and most of all if you have faith and TRY to open the golden door. Why living a miserable, unfulfilled life when you CAN do and deserve better? After all I am a perfect example of success because I was much worse than you could ever be, when I first arrived in the US in 1984 totally destitute. I knew better than you do now reader and I want to offer you that rare wisdom so you at least give your best shot at the American Dream yourself.
Missing my upcoming Global Teleclass is indeed missing also your greatest opportunity to further not only your Cosmic Consciousness but your true option to upgrade your standards in life. What I have to teach you is simply priceless but one must ask in order to receive.While money do not replace love, happiness or health God created it for good reasons and your very attitude towards possessions, love, health and wealth may be the challenge you must overcome to succeed. Be there December 15th, I promise you won't regret it. I will also offer specific deals you do not want to miss... My sweet wife Terania will introduce me while I am in the process of asking my good friend famous actor Gary Busey to end the Global Teleclass with his personal endorsement. "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!" J.P. Morgan Remember to join us and become a VIP Cosmic Code reader just because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil... You can still subscribe for the current deal for only $99.00 and get both the "2011 VIP Cosmic Code" subscriptions, the new "2011 Moon Power" including the "2011 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs" - I am much too busy to write FREE newsletters like I used to do, in 2010 , thus if you are not a VIP just yet, it is time to join us in 2011 and gain the Golden Keys of what it means to be human by understanding and using God's signs through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
Note to all my current VIP's - The 2010 VIP list will be automatically deleted on 01/01/2011 to be replaced by the new list of 2011 Cosmic Code subscribers.
Get the bundle, get all three while you can for only $99.00! ACT NOW!
Join us on the Phoenix Voyage -
"God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus Blessings to all Dr. Turi
1st choice; VIP live telephone consultation for $700 with an unlimited time limit. I can also do this on the phone but you are strongly advised to download skype, its fast and easy all you have to do is to spend $20 for a camera. You are absolutely forbidden to talk or ask any question at all during the session. Doing so would break down my channeling for your become a receiving recipient where an avalanche of information and predictions will come your way. Put it this way I have more answers for you than you have questions and that is a fact! There will not be a single area I will not talk about from your past lives to three or four years ahead of you. I also give very precise month and explain your natal and hidden dragon impact by house and sign. This means for a long period of time and without any interruption (only to breeze) I will pore ALL that you need to know into a tape. Material, books or other 90 mn audio tapes I judge necessary during the channeling for your well being and cleansing will be shipped the very next day to you. There is no time limit due to some cabalistic and subconscious teachings/cleansing and the ever so accurate amazing Astro-Tarot work performed.
2nd choice; I am offering you only 30 minutes on skype or on the phone doing the exact same thing but for $400 instead of $700, which is the regular price for a VIP conference. But at the end of the channeling session you can still ask as many questions as you want and I will elaborate on the subject for you. Its the time spent on channeling that is different, not the information but less time means also less information. I will also provide you with exact months to expect significant changes and perform the Nostradamus Astro-Tarot also and all material is mandatory with this service and will be shipped the next day. Questions about love, health and career will be answered to the best of my God given ability and I guarantee you with TOTAL satisfaction. 3rd choice - Taped Full Life Reading; Know all about your true mission and your fate in this world) 2-90MN audio tape and about 15 to 30 pages of printed materials, by mail only
Price: $300 plus $10 S&H order directly from
Chances are you will trust my spirit and blessings much more. Since my latest appearance on Coast To Coast we are experiencing tons of calls thus call Terania ASAP at 602-265-7667 to set your appointment ASAP and please be patient.
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