Spiritual Protection

Thursday 20 September 2018

Alternate Psychic Protection Using Your Own Body

I have used Gold Light protection for many years, and I feel at times it has let me down. I started to re-examine the  concept and thought what if this is part of the control system that we call the Matrix.

It did not stop inter-dimensional attacks at all. In fact it put me on the radar so to speak.
I am now no longer using Gold Light as of today. I have had this confirmed via Wes  Penre's You Tube Chanel that it is indeed part of the control Matrix the same as the Cabalah , Metatron's cube Sacred Geometry etc. However I never used those things as I knew intuitively not to trust them.

Most spiritual people have been taught Gold Light  is the most powerful and best way to protect yourself, your loved ones and homes etc. I have no idea where it originated, but this is what I was taught via a spiritual church many years ago. I was told it is the highest protection there is.

So instead I am using my own power and I think my readers might like to try using their own spiritual power from within.

You do not need and should not use anything external. I am sure many people have already arrived at this belief without me putting my 2 cents worth in long ago, lol. But for other people I will give you instructions on how I do it myself. You may find a better way though. That is good too, because it is your own spiritual power that resonates with you. It is your intention that makes it work. So please do what feels right for you.

Basically I go from my true hears center or my pure essence  and bringing it out through the layers of my entire aura and entire body, from my front and my back. Forming a big circle around my entire body and aura, from head to toe. I build up this energy to a high level and place a giant mirror ball around myself.

Here I warn all beings that do not have peaceful and honest intentions towards me to stay right away from me. They do not have my permission to attack me, take my energy or psychically attack or harm me in any way what so ever.

I say in my mind firmly I am a sovereign being and I am aware of my human as well as my true spiritual/divine sovereignty. I will not have this violated. I then inform all entities that I am not responsible for any harm that comes to them. I have given fair warning and I am protecting myself as is my right. What they do is their responsibility and what happens to them is their own fault for the actions they are responsible for.

I inform these beings my entire body and entire aura has a protective energy around it that is harmful to any one that tries to harm me. Anything  such as a psychic attack from them will be repelled back on to them 3 fold ( or 3 thousand fold) remember the number 3 is very important in cosmic law that is why it is used. Just like invocations, it carries a strong power or vibrational frequency with it.

I also warn the entity or person that if they persist they could be killed by their own negative energy returning to them. Most are well aware of this. People that work with the black arts are fully aware of this and usually try to countermand this.

That ain't going to fly when you are firm in your intentions and standing in your spiritual power. Do not step out side the laws of the Cosmos or you could come unstuck. Please stay safe and respect cosmic Law, no it is not always fair because those that created it did not do it for our benefit, but their own and are experts in spiritual manipulation, humans are not.

These are the beings that put us where humanity is today and for millions of years. So always stay honest and ethical in all things spiritual. Make no mistake about it these beings do not let up and are constantly trying to manipulate humanity.

May I recommend reading the book, Not in his image by John Lamb Lash. You will find some information in that book as well as on his website in regards to these trickster beings, that are the enemy of humanity.